
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-28

  1. US News: Does Google's $199 tablet target $499 iPad or Kindle Fire?: As Google prepares to unveil a highly... http://t.co/WeGEEA11#iPad
  2. US News: iOS 5.1.1 Jailbreak for iPhone 4,4S,3GS iPad 2/3 Release - New ...: http://t.co/0r0RwFqt reveals... http://t.co/lXdXxERN#iPad
  3. Blog: iPhone/iPad電子書籍アプリとして大好評配信中の「デキる人の上手な ...: iPhone/iPad電子書籍アプリとして大好評配信中の「デキる人の上手な話し方~話し方を変えれば人生はウマくいく... http://t.co/OT3sChXZ#iPad
  4. US News: Tennessee hopes to cut down DMV wait time with iPad kiosks: Ideally designed to cut back on stand... http://t.co/UD8QMJQS#iPad
  5. US News: iOS 6 beta for Apple TV allows customizable app icon layouts: Similar to the long press used to m... http://t.co/wwCkY5Xx#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-27: US News: Award-Winning "Millie Was Here" Interactive Book Apps for i... http://t.co/vtR30scQ#iPad

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