
iPad 関連情報 2012-05-31

  1. US News: Microsoft Recruits Designers in Race for Windows Apps: “You're competing with the iPad. You have ... http://t.co/2m4nDnoe#iPad
  2. Blog: iPhone/iPad電子書籍アプリ「人生が変わる成功法則」がAppstoreで ...: iPhone,iPad書籍アプリとして2012年5月16日(水)から配信を開始した「人生が変わる成功法則」が... http://t.co/JTDi7vtc#iPad
  3. US News: Yahoo Kills Livestand iPad Magazine: Yahoo (YHOO) will stop production of its personalized iPad m... http://t.co/0O8ojmWw#iPad
  4. US News: LG tops global tablet display market thanks to iPad, Kindle Fire: LG is one of those partners ben... http://t.co/Ys5KfrAB#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-30: US News: How Colligo Helped Novartis Trust iPads On SharePoint: When... http://t.co/rir2BoGb#iPad

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