
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-06

  1. US News: Dell exec: The iPad is a 'shiny' device but it's not fit for business: Straight from the foot-in-... http://t.co/LQ0gYAbN#iPad
  2. Blog: 子どもが使うときも安心!なiPadの防水ケース | Hot Mama Town ホット ...: 防水性能を備えたスリムなiPad用ケース「防水ケース for.Hot Mama Town ホットママタウン http://t.co/iv8MFYgj#iPad
  3. US News: Intel bets on ultrabooks to take on Apple's iPad: As the iPad continues to set new sales records,... http://t.co/nl6F5ErN#iPad
  4. US News: Review: Get paper documents into your iPad easily with Doxie Go: Luckily Apparent's Doxie Go scan... http://t.co/jvN4wrCD#iPad
  5. US News: Wii U GamePad is lighter than an iPad: In comparison, the lightest third-generation iPad weighs 6... http://t.co/kS90r4Fk#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-05: US News: Do Not Disturb, VIP Mail, Facebook, iCloud tabs, and Siri f... http://t.co/rPR6W98z#iPad
  7. US News: Newslook CEO Fred Silverman Discusses Newslook For iPad: If you're an iPad user who wants to know... http://t.co/Ves0sIes#iPad

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