
iPad 関連情報 2012-03-30

  1. Blog: [iPad][無料] Paper by FiftyThree | iPad iPhone Wire: 紙は、ここでアイデアが開始されます。それは ipad と上を作成する最も簡単なと最も美しい方法です... http://t.co/mzVMmOtZ#iPad
  2. US News: iPad Magazine Revisits Titanic Tragedy in Vivid Detail: And there's no better way to view it than... http://t.co/3YAajne2#iPad
  3. US Blog: iPad Sales Could Fall Below Expectations, Says Wedge Partners ...: That's according reports that ... http://t.co/OpQtpcxe#iPad
  4. US News: Starfall 2 HD - iPad 2 - HD Gameplay Trailer: Full Retina support for the new iPad! ##### Feature... http://t.co/98qjm553#iPad
  5. US News: American Wagering, Inc. Announces LEROY'S APP Available Now on iPad Mobile Devices: The LEROY'S A... http://t.co/8Qf4hSqu#iPad
  6. US News: Verizon's LTE iPad has one clear advantage over AT&T counterpart: The Verizon LTE-enabled version... http://t.co/2lHIoDv0#iPad
  7. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-29: US News: Wall Street Journal Offers Digital 'Open House' Today; Acce... http://t.co/BEZo0UH7#iPad
  8. Blog: ありがとうiPod : iPhone/iPadケースの試着・購入ができるショールーム ...: iPhone/iPadケースの試着・購入ができるショールーム「SHOWCASE」4月1日秋葉原にオープン... http://t.co/4CXM0t72#iPad
  9. US News: HBO GO to Offer GAME OF THRONES Interactive Viewing on the iPad, 4/1: On April 1, Game of Thrones... http://t.co/Mbjaskqm#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-29

  1. US News: Wall Street Journal Offers Digital 'Open House' Today; Access Includes Online ...: In addition to... http://t.co/RgPuU3ha#iPad
  2. US Blog: iDraw 1.3 – Vector Illustration on the new iPad | MacMegasite: Indeeo today announces iDraw 1.3, ... http://t.co/OBlWOoah#iPad
  3. US News: The iPad: To 4G or Not to 4G?: By Troy Dreier/For the Jersey Journal The big tech story continues... http://t.co/aIXdDDAd#iPad
  4. US News: Securing the iPad in the Enterprise: By David Strom It is one of the Internet's extreme ironies: ... http://t.co/Z8ExDGmu#iPad
  5. US Blog: 10 Tips to Reduce iPhone & iPad Personal Hotspot Data Usage: 10 Tips to Reduce iPhone & iPad Pers... http://t.co/UTHEpuL9#iPad
  6. US News: PlanTouch iPad App for Accuray's CyberKnife Radiation Therapy System: by Gene Ostrovsky on Mar 28... http://t.co/0hXY4cgZ#iPad
  7. US News: Mideast retailers will not refund for iPad's lack of 4G linkage: By Naushad K. Cherrayil, Staff R... http://t.co/GbPtiwPM#iPad
  8. Blog: iPad暗記カードアプリ「わたしの暗記帳」をリリース | iPhone 研究室(iPad ...: iPad専用の暗記カードアプリ「わたしの暗記帳」をリリースしました。iPadをくるくる回すだけでもち... http://t.co/SIoCpN0s#iPad
  9. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-28: US News: Boy, 8, Uses iPad App to Catch Tenn. Burglar: By Andrew Cho... http://t.co/YJcNj1JX#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-28

  1. US News: Boy, 8, Uses iPad App to Catch Tenn. Burglar: By Andrew Chow, JD at http://t.co/RZOeVAjO An allege... http://t.co/EoAXuKId#iPad
  2. US Blog: Apple Agrees To Refund Pissed Off iPad '4G' Aussies | Macgasm: Earlier today an Apple was accused... http://t.co/t4k3LsZu#iPad
  3. US News: iPad Global Speed Test: CNET travels from San Francisco, to London, to Singapore and finally Sydn... http://t.co/1qVm4dw4#iPad
  4. US News: World Atlas HD and The World by National Geographic for iPad: So if there's an app that can bring... http://t.co/ScUaAk2X#iPad
  5. Blog: 85万部の実績ある書籍がiPhone iPad 電子書籍アプリリリース『 3日で ...: 85万部の実績ある書籍がiPhone iPad 電子書籍アプリリリース『 3日で運がよくなる「そうじ力」 』... http://t.co/7AoXAixK#iPad
  6. US News: Former Apple engineer pans TV design: Alongside its new iPad, Apple unveiled a revamped version o... http://t.co/431jqO3P#iPad
  7. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-27: US News: IPad Movie Player With 'CSI-Style Forensics' And Direct Sub... http://t.co/CWrW0K5R#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-27

  1. US News: IPad Movie Player With 'CSI-Style Forensics' And Direct Subtitle Downloads: Watching movies on th... http://t.co/N2vAmfNh#iPad
  2. US News: Seniors Join the iPad Trend at Morningside Retirement Community: Judy Counts from Fullerton, Cali... http://t.co/OfSW81Sg#iPad
  3. US News: These mobile apps for baseball hit it out of the park: http://t.co/as7z67Ql At Bat (iPhone, iPod T... http://t.co/K5BxeQOi#iPad
  4. US Blog: Wireless game control using iPad | BlenderNation: Luca Bonavita writes: Some time ago we've been ... http://t.co/xssqlba0#iPad
  5. US News: PC Magazine Launches iPad Edition: NEW YORK, Mar 26, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Ziff Davis, Inc., on... http://t.co/431stCfo#iPad
  6. Blog: 新型iPadはバッテリ残量が「100%」表示でも満充電状態ではない ...: tarbz2 曰く、新しいiPadでは、「100%充電済み」と表示されている場合でも、実際にはバッテリはまだ80%程度まで... http://t.co/iOI2TnoN#iPad
  7. US News: New iPad owners complain about poor WiFi reception: by Doug Drinkwater March 26 2012, 7:28 am Com... http://t.co/9Oic1XMM#iPad
  8. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-26: US Blog: iPad supply constraints boost Chinese black market | Manmad... http://t.co/vWtJpy42#iPad
  9. Blog: 株価・国債・為替、何でもチェック!超便利なブルームバーグのiPadアプリ: 株式から為替、国債、商品まで「Bloomberg for iPad」は無料アプリである。入手可能な情報はニュース、株式の各種... http://t.co/AVtssIw6#iPad
  10. US News: Huffington Post to release weekly iPad magazine: The iPad magazine edition of the website will hi... http://t.co/XYd0bxME#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-26

  1. US Blog: iPad supply constraints boost Chinese black market | ManmadeMag: Increasing numbers of people are... http://t.co/foira9Zw#iPad
  2. US News: MOG makes its way onto the iPad ahead of Spotify: By Tyler Lee on 03/26/2012 02:59 PDT While MOG'... http://t.co/BOBvUK6D#iPad
  3. US News: Speed and Fidelity: I thought I knew how the new iPad would be treated in the marketplace, but as... http://t.co/ubCjDxMc#iPad
  4. Blog: Apple Online Store、Numark JapanのiPhone/iPad対応25鍵ミニ鍵盤 ...: Apple Online Storeが、Numark JapanのiPhone/iP... http://t.co/mvYOCgrp#iPad
  5. US News: Hey, iBooks, Where Did All My Books Go?: by Matt Neuburg When I received my new third-generation ... http://t.co/keOs4Rqw#iPad
  6. US News: Explore the Wonders of Geology iPad App: By Jenny Williams Educational apps that teach something ... http://t.co/OxSIwcmx#iPad
  7. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-25: US News: Apple has made itself a retailing star: (Brian Feulner for ... http://t.co/O3Dlxqab#iPad
  8. US Blog: New iPad 1080p camera put to the test with prototype Padcaster rig ...: Filmmakers Josh Apter and... http://t.co/Lxv9kvrj#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-25

  1. US News: Apple has made itself a retailing star: (Brian Feulner for The Boston Globe) Joe Pratolongo helpe... http://t.co/6jPuP0rZ#iPad
  2. US Blog: Power Indicator On New iPad Too Fast: It seems that, according to some reports, that the new iPad... http://t.co/3ShicKBs#iPad
  3. US News: Romney and the latest iPad feel the heat this past week: Speaking of Hot Water: We're not going t... http://t.co/5tKnUxlp#iPad
  4. Blog: 【無料】日本経済新聞 iPadアプリが3日間限定で無料公開!これを機会 ...: 日本経済新聞電子版(日経電子版)ではiPadでそのまま紙面を読めるiPadアプリが、今月はじめに公開されました。アプリ... http://t.co/40idrxut#iPad
  5. US News: Next frontier for Apple retina displays could be MacBooks: By Sean Portnoy | March 24, 2012, 2:45... http://t.co/OFrS59yB#iPad
  6. US News: Why is the new iPad charging too slowly? Blame the battery for starters: The race to find somethi... http://t.co/6o1SATPv#iPad
  7. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-24: US News: 8-year-old's iPad download helps crack burglaries: Landon C... http://t.co/p2WPb9W9#iPad
  8. US News: Another iThing, Another iTempest: By Paul Hartsock With the new iPad, Apple has yet another hit p... http://t.co/14Ml9jTm#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-24

  1. US News: 8-year-old's iPad download helps crack burglaries: Landon Crabtree led police to his stolen iPad,... http://t.co/9wPzRVMy#iPad
  2. US News: Apple's new iPad: Wi-Fi, LTE, charge time complaints surface: (Credit: Apple ) (CBS News) Apple's... http://t.co/l1byL4qb#iPad
  3. US News: Apple's new iPad: Wi-Fi, LTE, charge time complaints surface: (Credit: Apple ) (CBS News) Apple's... http://t.co/sNLKY7wp#iPad
  4. US Blog: iClarified - Apple News - SugarSync App Gets New Interface for iPad: SugarSync, an online solutio... http://t.co/ZAlKyLRr#iPad
  5. Blog: 新しいiPad が全然充電できない問題はどうして起こるのか : ギズモード ...: が全然充電できない問題はどうして起こるのか : ギズモード・ジャパン. 結果、iPadに「充電中」の表示は出てるも... http://t.co/bRFZFYWG#iPad
  6. US News: IPAD: Why public service cuts may not be all bad news for Ottawa's economy: On the face of it, th... http://t.co/FR0cvMDQ#iPad
  7. Blog: 電子書籍の「DL一年制限」の件に関する現時点での見解メモ - もとまか ...: これを読んで少々「違和感」を感じたので、@kinoppy_devの人にTwitterで. 質問してみたところ、(現時点... http://t.co/xsHt6HZD#iPad
  8. US Blog: Ubercart CRM for the iPad: My DrupalCon 2012 Twilio Developer ...: The idea is that a e-commerce ... http://t.co/Fx1MkRw8#iPad
  9. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-23: US News: LTE option poses data dilemma for iPad, smartphone users: T... http://t.co/x7tLxDHX#iPad
  10. US News: DirecTV Enhances iPad App: DirecTV introduced this week its iPad App version 1.5.0 that will enab... http://t.co/np8PtYk7#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-23

  1. US News: LTE option poses data dilemma for iPad, smartphone users: The new iPad's LTE option, which allows... http://t.co/pktIwRNt#iPad
  2. US News: Windows 8 to support Retina-class displays: If manufacturers follow suit, Windows 8 tablets and h... http://t.co/Yvf6O5iX#iPad
  3. US News: Capital Markets | March 22, 2012 | The Economist: The new iPad, which was released on March 16, i... http://t.co/5uqjoRmo#iPad
  4. Blog: 新iPadを300万枚積上げると富士山7.5個分! | Blog!NOBON: 新iPad(厚さ:9.4mm)を300万枚積み上げると「28200 m」となり、富士山で約7.5個分!エベレストだと約3... http://t.co/SZdJovYT#iPad
  5. US News: RIM hunts iOS devs for mystery iPhone and iPad apps: RIM is hunting iOS developers to create apps... http://t.co/XxHYfmnu#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-22: US News: New iPad explodes ... when attacked by lasers: You might've... http://t.co/BPPTB3WL#iPad
  7. US Blog: Apple's new iPad runs hotter than before, says watchdog ...: Influential consumer watchdog, Consu... http://t.co/dDAGxdyN#iPad
  8. US News: Apple's haptic touch feedback concept uses actuators, senses force on iPhone, iPad: The timing of... http://t.co/xW7App92#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-22

  1. US News: New iPad explodes ... when attacked by lasers: You might've seen plenty of those clips already — ... http://t.co/oN2Fn9GF#iPad
  2. US News: Tablets Are Beginning to Mean Business: By Jeffrey J. Rose Square is offering a credit-card reade... http://t.co/g5MypVlp#iPad
  3. US Blog: New iPad Hot (In More Ways Than One) — Slice of SciFi: The new iPad is safe but close to the 120-... http://t.co/FGLOKcVH#iPad
  4. Blog: 新しいiPad(第3世代/iPad3)レビュー:iPad2との撮影写真比較 ...: ... のがちょっと大変ですが、「新しいiPad」「iPad2」「iPhone4S」を持って街の風景を撮影してみま... http://t.co/74bNwsML#iPad
  5. Blog: 47℃の!とろけそうな日! 新型iPad、ゲーム中に本体が47度まで熱く ...: 【ニューヨーク=小谷野太郎】米国の消費者専門誌コンシューマー・リポートは20日、米アップルが発売した多機能情報端末「... http://t.co/IdHbiKgV#iPad
  6. US News: Matthew JC Powell ABC Technology and Games 16 Mar 2012: Apple's ridiculously successful iPad tabl... http://t.co/WaXoyipH#iPad
  7. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-21: US News: iPad 3 vs iPad 2 - stabilisateur video: iPad 3 vs iPad 2 - ... http://t.co/BXUdC9HA#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-21

  1. US News: iPad 3 vs iPad 2 - stabilisateur video: iPad 3 vs iPad 2 - stabilisateur video.See all stories on... http://t.co/UngqcLma#iPad
  2. US Blog: New iPad runs hotter than skin temperature, say reports | The Raw ...: The “new iPad” – AKA iPad ... http://t.co/3Fn6Zf0x#iPad
  3. US News: Reselling your old iPad helps in upgrading to new gadget: by http://t.co/sxAcwDAb staff HOUSTON—Wi... http://t.co/YrbhEI7m#iPad
  4. US News: Oracle Crushes Earnings, the iPad's Overheating, and HP Moves to Merge: 1: Is an iPad heat contro... http://t.co/YtEvMsUJ#iPad
  5. Blog: 「新しいiPad」は「iPad 2」よりも発熱する? | iPhoneの未来を語る: これは「新しいiPad」が「iPad 2」よりも発熱するということです。ディスカッション ... 両方ともiPad... http://t.co/3LbCwJJ7#iPad
  6. Blog: 休日はiPadが映画館に変わる Hulu - W&R : Jazzと読書の日々: じわじわ、と来ますね。映画配信サービスのHulu。画質が綺麗だし、品揃えも良い。邦画も集まって来てます。けれど、ログイ... http://t.co/W3GNj41o#iPad
  7. US News: iPad Users Show Greater Appetite for News: But tablet ownership in the US nearly doubled to 18 pe... http://t.co/QGCkvO3i#iPad
  8. US News: Dell's Windows 8 Tablets Take Aim at iPad: By CIOinsight Dell's Windows 8 tablets will apparently... http://t.co/56frszZM#iPad
  9. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-20: US News: WaterField Unveils the Indy: A Sleek, Leather Bag for the N... http://t.co/bf3uayMu#iPad
  10. US Blog: Tests show new iPad runs 9.6 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than iPad 2 ...: It looks like we weren't ... http://t.co/sRO8hB8B#iPad
  11. US News: Easy ways to optimize the new iPad: It was admittedly a small survey but UBS analyst Maynard Um f... http://t.co/iglq1pAn#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-20

  1. US News: WaterField Unveils the Indy: A Sleek, Leather Bag for the New Apple iPad: Specially sized to hold... http://t.co/ByIitoCZ#iPad
  2. Blog: iPhoneで撮影した動画のiPadでの視聴・編集をiCloud経由で可能にする ...: iPhoneで撮影した動画のiPadでの視聴・編集をiCloud経由で可能にするアプリ「VideoSync」... http://t.co/Vr7cewED#iPad
  3. US News: Tablets to outsell computers in 3 years, Apple CEO says: March 7, 2012: Apple's senior vice presi... http://t.co/EWX7kZK7#iPad
  4. US Blog: Retina Wallpapers for the new iPad: If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you've alr... http://t.co/d1pRG7FK#iPad
  5. US News: Why a Verizon 4G iPad Beats NetZero's New Freemium 4G Service: Some of the other tiers are attrac... http://t.co/EJlFgQE6#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-19: Blog: 【モバイル】新iPadディスプレー供給はサムスン独占 シャープ・LG“不合格 ...: 大斗の大斗ポストの記事、【モバイル】... http://t.co/MxO2yCHu#iPad
  7. US News: Samsung, Qualcomm inside iPad: Apple's new iPad uses chips made by Qualcomm, Broadcom, Samsung El... http://t.co/9QnrEEs9#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-19

  1. Blog: 【モバイル】新iPadディスプレー供給はサムスン独占 シャープ・LG“不合格 ...: 大斗の大斗ポストの記事、【モバイル】新iPadディスプレー供給はサムスン独占 シャープ・LG“不合格”[12/0... http://t.co/Gl4JTL13#iPad
  2. US News: iPad 3 vs Amazon Kindle Fire: In this exclusive video we show you the comic book, magazine, ecosy... http://t.co/yyBrCzRN#iPad
  3. US News: Apple to decide on its $98 billion cash pile: Related Apple to decide on its $98 billion cash pil... http://t.co/LZNTXCTb#iPad
  4. US News: The 12 best new iPad accessories: by Seamus Bellamy March 18 2012, 3:54 pm Comment Looking for th... http://t.co/eHKmGauw#iPad
  5. US News: The Khan Academy goes mobile with new iPad app: The Kahn Academy launched an iPad app last week. ... http://t.co/bIFCRqxU#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-18: Blog: Varianのipadアプリ | 放射線治療のカタチ 堤真一: 英語版ですが、Varianからipad用のアプリが随分前にリ... http://t.co/xQUKYX0m#iPad
  7. US Blog: New 16GB Wi-Fi Apple iPad cost $316.05 to make says iSuppli: Once again iSuppli has come up with ... http://t.co/3DQrmWIp#iPad
  8. US News: Immune Cells Attacking Tumors, An iPad Under A Microscope, And The Medical ...: This post at Shot... http://t.co/duCo4uI0#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-18

  1. Blog: Varianのipadアプリ | 放射線治療のカタチ 堤真一: 英語版ですが、Varianからipad用のアプリが随分前にリリースされています。 内容は、患者向けと専門家向けに、TrueBeamとTR... http://t.co/3zHcbHJH#iPad
  2. Blog: 制作者もリスナーも、"新しいiPad"に入れておきたいミュージックアプリ10 ...: アプリ・サービス使用レポート 制作者もリスナーも、"新しいiPad"に入れておきたいミュージックアプリ10選 福... http://t.co/4BtmR2Ku#iPad
  3. Blog: 新型iPad発売で高解像度アプリも続々 - デジタル - 日経トレンディネット: アップルは2012年3月16日、新型のタブレット「iPad」を発売した。旗艦店のアップルストア銀座には、いち早く買い求... http://t.co/pVZCbmnR#iPad
  4. Blog: The New iPad - 茶道具商 駒屋茶具店 小売部 ブログ: 以前よりずっと気になっていた新しいiPad。 液晶が格段に綺麗になったと聞いて、これはチェックしなくてはこういう事でAppleSt... http://t.co/AaUTz8fe#iPad
  5. Blog: 女史Times|『新しいiPad』をもっともっと楽しくするアプリ&DIY記事25選 ...: こんにちは。 あいにく雨の週末です。皆様新しいiPadは手に入れましたか!?すでに何処にも在庫がないぐらい... http://t.co/UKkVSat1#iPad
  6. Blog: 「新しいiPad」と「iPad 2」の起動時間比較ビデオ - 気になる、記になる…: 米国で「新しいiPad」に関連する強盗及び強盗未遂事件が2件発生 black-plus.png ... サンフラン... http://t.co/0VatTPlC#iPad
  7. US News: Apple iPad's connector cable gets 'upgraded' too: Not many people may notice it, but the display ... http://t.co/6XTkTczf#iPad
  8. US News: BoxWave Releases the Nuovo iPad Case for the New iPad: True to their promise of “bringing you tom... http://t.co/rZheFY11#iPad
  9. US Blog: Review: 24 hours with the new iPad… | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence: This slideshow requires JavaS... http://t.co/S6oyENXI#iPad
  10. Blog: 新しいiPad、開封の儀(第1部) « The Art of Marr's Blog: 初代iPadからの買い替えとなる「新しいiPad」が我が家にやってきました!! 開封の様子はいつものようにTwi... http://t.co/clW7vQex#iPad
  11. US News: Ten apps every iPad user should own: With the third-generation iPad now on retail shelves, chance... http://t.co/qxkZ38oI#iPad
  12. US News: New iPad: Why you should never buy an LTE tablet: The Verge's Sean Hollister says that the new iP... http://t.co/puIzPixH#iPad
  13. US News: Some people don't have a clue as to why they need the new iPad: No, they don't, in many cases. by... http://t.co/9Lf441kS#iPad
  14. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-17: US News: New iPad release draws muted interest in Las Vegas: At top,... http://t.co/OXNid8ZV#iPad
  15. US News: IHS iSuppli Breaks Down Cost of Parts in the New iPad: The iPad maker isn't making quite as much ... http://t.co/5Qj44jwH#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-17

  1. US News: New iPad release draws muted interest in Las Vegas: At top, Mauricio Gramajo, left, and Brett Ree... http://t.co/ivbs1MAc#iPad
  2. US Blog: Viable iPad 2 iOS 5.1 jailbreak by i0n1c » Phone Reviews: Although the all new shiny and sparklin... http://t.co/GGo3PDgI#iPad
  3. Blog: iPad Wi-Fiモデル 64GB - ホワイト (第3世代) が私の手に届くまでの ...: iPhoneもiPadも2台持ちの@hebyumetanです。 昨日、ついにiPad Wi-Fi ..... http://t.co/tuKY0Yaz#iPad
  4. Blog: ありがとうiPod : SoftBank SELECTIONの新しいiPad用ケース4種: SoftBank SELECTIONから、新しいiPadに対応するケース4種が発売されます。 そのうち3種は... http://t.co/TjfW4qgm#iPad
  5. Blog: リンゴが好きでぃす: 歴代 iPad 比較早見表: iPad, iPad 2, iPad (3rd). Introduced, March 2010, March 2011, March 2012. ... http://t.co/Gy85JW4h#iPad
  6. US News: Release of iPad 3 attracts polite crowd: By Emma Sapong The first sale of the new iPad 3 drew cro... http://t.co/gCwYWjDl#iPad
  7. US News: Here's Where You Can Stick Your iPad: The iPad 3 isn't so much revolution as an upgrade. So if yo... http://t.co/2SqxA9M3#iPad
  8. US News: Business Highlights: ___ Fans, entrepreneurs among first buyers of new iPad MADISON, Wis. — Apple... http://t.co/1qSTz2Bq#iPad
  9. US News: iPad + Sphero = Fun!: Watch the remarkable Sphero roll (With a little control from the iPad).See ... http://t.co/qJXNtsMh#iPad
  10. Blog: Ceron.jp - iFixit、「新しいiPad」の分解写真を公開~バッテリーが70 ...: By Nakimo:2012年3月16日 iFixt社が、本日発売の「新しいiPad」を早速入手し、... http://t.co/oupfzTo1#iPad
  11. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-16: US News: Test-drive the new iPad for 30 days: Svajian added that man... http://t.co/4bqeAFwq#iPad
  12. US News: Small crowd clamors for Wi-Fi-only version of new iPad at Wal-Mart: By Matt Hamblen Computerworld... http://t.co/IJHaQDbO#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-03-16

  1. US News: Test-drive the new iPad for 30 days: Svajian added that many consumers will wait in line for hour... http://t.co/A4cv7Xyo#iPad
  2. US Blog: iPad 2 added to Apple's recycling program | Macgasm: Apple has just added the iPad 2 to its recyc... http://t.co/gbDJPUpz#iPad
  3. US News: Apple's new iPad already on sale in Australia: The new iPad went on sale, as scheduled, at 8:00 A... http://t.co/jyyyyvUE#iPad
  4. US News: New iPads hit stores: By Doug Gross, CNN (CNN) -- The latest version of Apple's iPad, the genre-d... http://t.co/KFvyvgI5#iPad
  5. Blog: プレアデス、iPadに対応するスタンドケース2種類を発売 - PBWEB.jp: プレアデスシステムデザインが、持ち運びに便利なキャリングハンドルを備えた新iPad/iPad 2対応のミニブリーフスタ... http://t.co/Jsebq0BC#iPad
  6. Blog: iLab Factory、New iPad(第3世代)対応商品3アイテム 3月16日 同時 ...: アイラボファクトリー株式会社(名古屋市中区大須・代表取締役 加古直秀)が、New.iPhone 研... http://t.co/kn7KpkoL#iPad
  7. Blog: 「新しいiPad」を待つ祭りと夜明け - Hello, My Innocent.: 新しいiPad」を。 こう言ってはなんですが、 並んで買うほどなの?と。 確かにそう思います。 でも、楽しいんだよ。... http://t.co/hVefKz42#iPad
  8. Blog: 「新しいiPad」メモリ1GB、処理速度はiPad 2並、LTEはWi-Fi並に速い ...: 新しいiPad」メモリ1GB、処理速度はiPad 2並、LTEはWi-Fi並に速い. verge_ipa... http://t.co/zmOd8UgC#iPad
  9. Blog: 新iPadが予約だけで機種別トップ10に5機種ランクイン | Blog!NOBON: まだ予約受付けだけで発売前の Retinaディスプレイを搭載した新iPadが、BCNランキングの2012年3月第1... http://t.co/1PIL6zad#iPad
  10. Blog: ハッカーの@i0n1c氏、脱獄したiOS 5.1搭載iPad 2の写真を公開 - 気に ...: 新しいiPad」は「iPad 2」に比べ充電時間が数時間延び、本体が暖かくなる模様 black-plu... http://t.co/DtDpsplF#iPad
  11. US News: New iPad is key to Apple's bottom line: By http://t.co/PQVyha3H staff As Apple prepares to launch ... http://t.co/d85L5pL7#iPad
  12. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-15: US News: Today in Tech: The iPad reviews are in: The first crop of i... http://t.co/jVzMjg6b#iPad
  13. US News: New revelations in The Final Hours of Mass Effect 3 app for the iPad: Spike TV GTTV game TV show ... http://t.co/wnZnma51#iPad
  14. US News: Painting with Time: Climate Change iPad App Released: By Red Hill Studios SAN FRANCISCO, March 15... http://t.co/7kJJYDWk#iPad

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