
iPad 関連情報 2012-03-13

  1. US News: Review: Prettier iPad has familiar qualities: A new Apple iPad is on display during an Apple even... http://t.co/VtIYDcSa#iPad
  2. US Blog: Apple's Ipad: The Finest Tech Gadget | http://t.co/ggLoSK0K: If you are planning to present an Ipa... http://t.co/LBXcKWC7#iPad
  3. US News: Apple's growing clout drawing more scrutiny: CEO Tim Cook speaks last week as Apple unveiled its ... http://t.co/5FX7w73P#iPad
  4. US News: eBay resellers cash in on iPad shortages: March 12, 2012, 8:00 PM — eBay resellers are asking an ... http://t.co/FhROVnAN#iPad
  5. Blog: 「新しいiPad」はジョブズ哲学の完成形か、否か? - 週プレNEWS: アップルの新製品「iPad」。見た目に大きな変化はないが、液晶、カメラ、回線でという主要項目で進化。脱PCのフラッグシップモデ... http://t.co/yW7l0GaA#iPad
  6. Blog: 【妄想】新しいiPadでi文庫HDはこんなに美しくなる | Blog!NOBON: って、それはさて置き、マイ iPad 2で大活躍の読書アプリ「i文庫HD」の作者@nagisawksさんがつぶやきに... http://t.co/OWObszdy#iPad
  7. US News: Steve Jobs' Ghost: Hi-Res iPad Will Undermine the Magazine Model: With the entry of the “New iPad... http://t.co/oYAuiGIL#iPad
  8. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-12: US News: Envivio Products Support Advanced Video Technologies includ... http://t.co/6olsnVAA#iPad
  9. US News: Apple's market clout likely to draw more scrutiny: By MICHAEL LIEDTKE AP Technology Writer As the... http://t.co/LKELnO50#iPad

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