
iPad 関連情報 2012-05-30

  1. US News: How Colligo Helped Novartis Trust iPads On SharePoint: When Colligo Networks asked Markus Bosch t... http://t.co/g7CjL66g#iPad
  2. US News: iPad case keeps your tablet safe: The Kensington KeyFolio Secure Security Case for iPad 2 feature... http://t.co/CPCSl18l#iPad
  3. Blog: [iPhone][iPad][無料] 東京AR | iPad iPhone Wire: 「東京AR」とは、東京新聞、東京中日スポーツ(トーチュウ)の紙面をはじめ、屋外の対象物などにスマートフォンをかざ... http://t.co/TkJiFAXk#iPad
  4. US News: Southside ISD to put an IPad in every desk: By Maria Luisa Cesar Trustees in the Southside Indepe... http://t.co/9t22NT92#iPad
  5. US News: If You Do This With Your iPad, You Don't Deserve an iPad: On a late night bus from Washington to ... http://t.co/cjbN8MxW#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-29: US News: VA launches iPad pilot program: The department is handing o... http://t.co/ExfLTUby#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-29

  1. US News: VA launches iPad pilot program: The department is handing out 1000 devices to veterans' families ... http://t.co/mHgjkyQQ#iPad
  2. Blog: 株式会社ユニーク、水、埃、砂、雪、湿気からiPhone、iPadを守る新開発 ...: 株式会社ユニーク、水、埃、砂、雪、湿気からiPhone、iPadを守る新開発の極薄の防水スキンカバーを新発売致し... http://t.co/FoLFHokm#iPad
  3. US News: Apple's original iPad with two dock connectors found on eBay: Ever since the launch of the first ... http://t.co/xte4CuO1#iPad
  4. US News: Urban Olive and Vine launches Apple-based hi-tech service solution: Kay Timm, owner of Urban Oliv... http://t.co/QEtRsArs#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-28: US News: All she needed was a tablet! Lonely chicken coaxed into lay... http://t.co/M9aPY80v#iPad
  6. US News: Growing demand fuels black market organ trade: World Health Organization official The Guardian co... http://t.co/sGdMCoIq#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-28

  1. US News: All she needed was a tablet! Lonely chicken coaxed into laying eggs by ...: By Daily Mail Reporte... http://t.co/sjDL1a4X#iPad
  2. Blog: iPadをビジネス活用!スマートデバイスで変わる業務情報活用セミナー ...: 概要. 現在、急速な普及を遂げているiPadをはじめとしたスマートデバイスをいかにしてビジネスに活用するためのソリューシ... http://t.co/8L5ar5fM#iPad
  3. US News: 'Donate a kidney, buy the new iPad': A China organ broker actually advertised using the slogan 'd... http://t.co/LTAuchM1#iPad
  4. US News: iFunia Releases Version 3.7.0 for the Mac Product Family: Version 3.7.0 features a new output res... http://t.co/yJB43Nxu#iPad
  5. US News: iFunia Releases Version 3.7.0 for the Mac Product Family: Version 3.7.0 features a new output res... http://t.co/vlzBxqdq#iPad
  6. US News: Facebook Hiring Former Apple iPhone And iPad Engineers To Build New Smartphone: According to The ... http://t.co/Xy35jvFk#iPad
  7. Blog: iPhone ~神アプリのススメ~ : 【動画】 どうなってんの?iPadからビール ...: iPhone ~神アプリのススメ~ · < 【神スス/5月】 iTunes ... 海外ブログで紹介され... http://t.co/tFEjIZmh#iPad
  8. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-27: US News: An apple for the adviser: Making your iPad perform: Investm... http://t.co/AsqErd8N#iPad
  9. US News: iPhone Now Gets 74% And iPad Gets 95% Of Web Traffic: When people hear the word "tablet" the Appl... http://t.co/j3PCC6tr#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-27

  1. US News: An apple for the adviser: Making your iPad perform: InvestmentNews: Sunit, you've been running yo... http://t.co/XWz8haOP#iPad
  2. US News: What parents say: The mother of one bought her 6-year-old daughter, Kelly Lam an iPad last year a... http://t.co/iISnx7Da#iPad
  3. US News: Yahoo Axis Aims to Be Center of Your Browsing on iPhone, iPad, PC & Mac: Axis is a search based w... http://t.co/3LmwB1Kb#iPad
  4. US News: Strange fruit: Unusual uses for the iPad: The Sprocket Pocket, designed to store the iPad on the ... http://t.co/wS7ZGEkE#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-26: US News: Rely on volunteering, luck to find middle-aged men: This st... http://t.co/7y1WQ8PH#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-26

  1. US News: Rely on volunteering, luck to find middle-aged men: This story is exclusive to the Chronicle's Sa... http://t.co/ZUG2fjMu#iPad
  2. Blog: [iPad][無料] マカーブル・ミステリー:ナイチンゲールの呪い コレクターズ ...: 華やかなパフォーマンスの裏に渦巻いていた当時の愛憎劇がまだ生。Twitter、Blogで話題のおすすめiPh... http://t.co/6VgFulvk#iPad
  3. US News: How an iPad Speeds Reporting from NASCAR's Pit Row: When the iPad was released in 2010, Burns ins... http://t.co/cXATYuzd#iPad
  4. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-25: Blog: Diet Coda - アプリチャンネル - iPad iPhone Wire: 打ち上げの特別: ダイエット CODA 5... http://t.co/YRbV3HzW#iPad
  5. US News: Library's iPad Offer Draws Crowd: KOKOMO, Ind. -- Patrons are flocking to a north-central Indiana... http://t.co/rlRM88PI#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-25

  1. Blog: Diet Coda - アプリチャンネル - iPad iPhone Wire: 打ち上げの特別: ダイエット CODA 50 % オフ今日は木曜日 5\/24 のみです。冗談。*Coda、私たち M... http://t.co/HWEpOjUS#iPad
  2. US News: Order & Chaos Online - 1 year Anniversary Update - iPhone & iPad: The Realm is about to have fun,... http://t.co/NtBEGy1M#iPad
  3. US News: Slingshot Racing iPhone/iPad Gameplay (Universal App): Stunning graphics for iPad and iPhone Reti... http://t.co/imTrhvCK#iPad
  4. US News: iPad app uses voice technology to improve ER patient experience: For all the talk that doctors ar... http://t.co/h5eFebHN#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-24: US News: Here's the iPad for your Cadillac: ... a high-tech dashboar... http://t.co/8Fv7FT2C#iPad
  6. US News: SketchBook Ink: iPad Art at Retina Resolution, and Way, Way Beyond: By Harry McCracken |@harrymc... http://t.co/PiGTNSwU#iPad
  7. Blog: DVD「ブラザーズ&シスターズ」をiPadで視聴!: DVDに収録されている内容を変換して、高画質のままiPadで見る方法について。 ... DVD『うたの☆プリンスさまっ♪ マジLOVE1000%』... http://t.co/nP1y2BLk#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-24

  1. US News: Here's the iPad for your Cadillac: ... a high-tech dashboard that will allow the driver to naviga... http://t.co/XJpnrOoy#iPad
  2. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-23: US News: techBASIC STEM Education iPad iPhone App 2.2: techBASIC: Th... http://t.co/mDJZ1Yqr#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-23

  1. US News: techBASIC STEM Education iPad iPhone App 2.2: techBASIC: The iPhone and iPad science, technology,... http://t.co/JvdqKtox#iPad
  2. Blog: セミナー『iPadを活用して「絶対達成」する営業組織をつくる方法』を開催 ...: 情報協力 : DreamNews. セミナー『iPadを活用して「絶対達成」する営業組織をつくる方法』を開催~経営コ... http://t.co/N1B6Cj6C#iPad
  3. US News: POWAY: ACLU says Poway school may be asking parents for illegal fees: "Under California law, they... http://t.co/WWDMdaXh#iPad
  4. US News: Cooler Master ARC Macbook and iPad Stand: Cooler Master's ARC MacBook Pro and iPad stand is an in... http://t.co/KATLYhY6#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-22: US News: DIB Australia Combines Apple iPad and Epson Interactive Pro... http://t.co/YhfBlmD9#iPad
  6. US News: SoundCloud CTO Releases Full-Album iPad App: When Sweden-native Eric Wahlforss isn't busy acting ... http://t.co/wN8yc16d#iPad
  7. Blog: [Q&A]2012/05/22[新規]iPhone/iPadでWeb ... - McAfee Communities: [Q&A]2012/05/22[新規]iPhone/iPadでWeb Gate... http://t.co/TUJJCJVr#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-22

  1. US News: DIB Australia Combines Apple iPad and Epson Interactive Projector Resulting in ...: Now with the ... http://t.co/DXK8icxa#iPad
  2. US News: New INRIX Traffic App for iPhone and iPad Gets Drivers Out of Gridlock: KIRKLAND,WA--MAY 22, 2012... http://t.co/vdXz99Ve#iPad
  3. Blog: 新型 iPhone のディスプレイはソニーも供給? | iPhone 研究室(iPadもね): Sony added to list of in-cell display suppliers for ... http://t.co/rxAQY3E0#iPad
  4. US News: iPad 2 review: For the past week I have had the pleasure of testing an iPad 2. Now, my wife has h... http://t.co/ggICEuKD#iPad
  5. US News: iPad Note-taking Apps for Lawyers Reviewed: The advantage of doing so is that you can take all yo... http://t.co/CMdfVuea#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-21: US News: TransCore Launches Mobile iPad App for TransSuite Traffic M... http://t.co/cz8XkItq#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-21

  1. US News: TransCore Launches Mobile iPad App for TransSuite Traffic Management System: WASHINGTON, May 21, ... http://t.co/DJ7kkfHK#iPad
  2. US News: Obelisk Studio Announces Map Boxes: Explore China with Kids on the iPad: Map Boxes is an interact... http://t.co/NLmGnr08#iPad
  3. US News: Apple registers http://t.co/5hUpL9Go domain name: While we are still up in arms over the naming co... http://t.co/7cZ6BO8V#iPad
  4. US News: iPhone 5 Redesign With Enlarged Display Tailored by Jobs: Apple recently released the latest upda... http://t.co/5vkSPIzQ#iPad
  5. US News: Apple Goes After Samsung Galaxy Tab in Court [VIDEO]: The district court will determine if the Ga... http://t.co/xngdeGGS#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-20: US News: Apps slake Thirst for terrific tweets: A new iPad app Thirs... http://t.co/xkrrCcNW#iPad
  7. Blog: iPhoneをシェイクすると"おでかけスポット"が見つかるアプリ『Wash ...: iPhoneをシェイクすると"おでかけスポット"が見つかるアプリ『Wash』 | iPhone | iPad iP... http://t.co/sD4y2hvC#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-20

  1. US News: Apps slake Thirst for terrific tweets: A new iPad app Thirst, left, helps you use Twitter better,... http://t.co/PVBVKivk#iPad
  2. US News: Chori-bar nutritious punch for poor eating habits: To read this and other exclusive print stories... http://t.co/kZoXQ8PG#iPad
  3. US News: The 7 best AirPlay speakers for your iPad: by Ray Aguilera May 19 2012, 5:34 pm Comment The iPad ... http://t.co/qk2ahAOs#iPad
  4. US News: Inside Apple's secret plan to kill the cash register: The kid scans the item's bar code with a sp... http://t.co/5hwgNza2#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-19: US News: Amazon May Go With 10-inch Kindle Fire This Year: This plan... http://t.co/JuROSRx4#iPad
  6. Blog: テクノファンを魅了するRBMA Radioが無料のiPadアプリをリリース ...: ミュージック・ビデオ / フリーMP3 / アルバムフル試聴など、海外から配信される最新の音源をお届け。音楽サービ... http://t.co/Jx4yxurs#iPad
  7. Blog: パスタメジャー – iPhone, iPadでパスタを作ろう! | iPhone 研究室(iPad ...: iPhone/iPadの両方に対応. ss1 ss2 ss3 ss4. 【詳細】 下にある... http://t.co/OQjNLnuI#iPad
  8. US News: Druckemiller might testify in iPad, iPhone theft probe: By RYAN McCARTHY Lisa Druckemiller, a for... http://t.co/7JhUKIVO#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-19

  1. US News: Amazon May Go With 10-inch Kindle Fire This Year: This plan makes a lot more sense, as consumers ... http://t.co/FeAmC4ZU#iPad
  2. US News: NextServices Proudly Announces the Launch of Enki Mobile EHR on the Apple iPad ...: The enki mobi... http://t.co/1p1jg9yE#iPad
  3. Blog: アップル、新しいiPad「4G」を「Cellular」に変更: アップルは新型iPadのケータイ回線対応モデルの名前を「iPad Wi-Fi+4G」から「iPad Wi-Fi+Cellular」に変更... http://t.co/7wvaBMzl#iPad
  4. US News: Orient-Express launches its first iPad app: Luxury hotel company and sophisticated adventure trav... http://t.co/uvD2W3fc#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-18: US News: iPad factory towns in China to finally get Apple Stores: By... http://t.co/qsAnIZEs#iPad
  6. US News: Top Picks: Historian Niall Ferguson on PBS, Carole King's demos, and more: National Geographic's ... http://t.co/OdgPi23z#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-18

  1. US News: iPad factory towns in China to finally get Apple Stores: By Anna Leach • Get more from this autho... http://t.co/9j7WTFLr#iPad
  2. Blog: iPadの可能性って凄い!|速くて楽しい~ファミリーカー|ブログ|千葉 ...: 「iPadの可能性って凄い!」について - 千葉かず@進化六点参式 のブログです。Powered by みんカラ.千葉... http://t.co/XJfjEPXS#iPad
  3. US News: Namibia Tourism Board releases Namibia iPad app: Answers to these and many more questions can be ... http://t.co/wLaRp8gQ#iPad
  4. US News: Daily iPad App: Feed Me Oil HD: And while the game is on the iPhone as well, it's much better on ... http://t.co/I2H6PO3o#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-17: US News: Visualedtech is Now Offering a Compact iPad School Charging... http://t.co/9W9ehWuc#iPad
  6. US News: Beam Your Photos From iPad to iPhone Using iPhoto [iOS Tips]: Imagine editing a photo on an iPad,... http://t.co/e4bHg6oU#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-17

  1. US News: Visualedtech is Now Offering a Compact iPad School Charging Cart for Special ...: Visualedtech no... http://t.co/RZEhUZvW#iPad
  2. Blog: 「iPad」、どう使ってる?--iPadがPCより便利な6つのシナリオ - pon99の ...: http://t.co/DRUmp8Ok... http://t.co/WngFYKdN#iPad
  3. US News: Chatham Hall gains attention over iPad program: Chatham Hall student Mary-Michael Robertson (left... http://t.co/fvSqomTy#iPad
  4. US News: Hello iPhoto for iPad & iPhone is an amazing new way to learn: by Steven Sande May 16th 2012 at 4... http://t.co/ifeICLSp#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-16: Blog: ありがとうiPod : 赤外線リモコンで音楽の操作もできる、6種の端子を搭載 ...: 日本トラストテクノロジーが「iPad... http://t.co/qxQcS5Bz#iPad
  6. US News: Deploying the iPad for Sales in Your SMB: Similar to how many end users may have purchased an iPa... http://t.co/obwWnmGi#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-16

  1. Blog: ありがとうiPod : 赤外線リモコンで音楽の操作もできる、6種の端子を搭載 ...: 日本トラストテクノロジーが「iPad/iPhone用 究極アダプター HDMI&AV with リモコン」を発売... http://t.co/YS9mXuNh#iPad
  2. US News: Apptivity™ Hot Wheels™ - iPad/iPad 2/New iPad - HD Gameplay Trailer: Simply fire up the app and p... http://t.co/2KINyjZG#iPad
  3. US News: Farmington: iPad lease deal gets school board's approval: The board agreed to hire Barb Duffrin, ... http://t.co/vdmgXNYV#iPad
  4. US News: Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover - iPad 2/New iPad Keyboard Case Review: By Jeff Scott on May 15... http://t.co/qOWi4WPv#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-15: US News: Magnum photographer chooses the iPad for latest project: Ma... http://t.co/l4BpItJ2#iPad
  6. US News: Graduation Gifts: Best Tech and Gadget Gifts For Grads: The iPad makes a great gift for either th... http://t.co/mMLSpW0p#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-15

  1. US News: Magnum photographer chooses the iPad for latest project: Magnum Photos member John Vink has relea... http://t.co/v0tH3sbC#iPad
  2. Blog: アニメ - iPad中国動画アプリ: ゲーム原作アニメのはずなのにこんなに大爆笑しながら見てるんだろう ゲーム原作アニメが待望の第2期!! ジョギング行く前にアニメクラナド+クラナドアフター全部消化な... http://t.co/GVFYqhl4#iPad
  3. US News: ABC27 WHTM The abc27 iPad Giveaway (The Sequel) Contest: One (1) winner will win a black 16 GB Ap... http://t.co/RUfvphTe#iPad
  4. US News: US Postal Service to Ban iPad Shipping Overseas: After the ban takes effect on May 16, those look... http://t.co/3hwgpaxq#iPad
  5. US News: Court Lets Apple Pursue US Ban on Samsung Galaxy Tablet: By Susan Decker on May 14, 2012 Apple In... http://t.co/JimHrNzC#iPad
  6. Blog: Apple Products Fan iOS 6でSiri APIとSiri for iPadが登場か?: もうひとつは、Siri for iPadです。 iPad第3世代が発表されるときに、みんなが... http://t.co/ChFXBDC6#iPad
  7. US News: Create Great Art With This iPad-Friendly Paintbrush: When the iPad launched, the dumbest of the d... http://t.co/hdqFzkMx#iPad
  8. US News: Holy Batman, Total Film's Interactive Magazine Arrives For iPad: Total Film, the modern movie bra... http://t.co/JaTpLywo#iPad
  9. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-14: US News: Bombardier brings paperless cockpit to its business jets wi... http://t.co/DBzAeD4P#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-14

  1. US News: Bombardier brings paperless cockpit to its business jets with introduction of ...: Business jet a... http://t.co/v4Uofu05#iPad
  2. US News: New Apple iPad loses '4G' label: by Liam Tung , Esat Dedezade | Monday 14 May 2012 | Comment Now ... http://t.co/uGu68WRC#iPad
  3. Blog: 昨日はプリキュアのおかげ?でウルトラハッピーな母の日でした、の巻 - も ...: ちなみに以下で書いた目覚ましアプリはあれから大活躍してて、. 平均して週に5日くらい使ってる感じで(要するに平日はほ... http://t.co/hG47Gx22#iPad
  4. US News: iPad 2012 on sales in Vietnam: official: Three chosen Vietnamese distributors, so-called Apple Pr... http://t.co/MSeAffns#iPad
  5. US News: How to Create a Mother's Day Slide Show: I was faced with the challenge of moving them off my dri... http://t.co/I8xRCqOf#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-13: US News: High-end apps emerge as ultimate sales feature: In recent m... http://t.co/MQgTfbBz#iPad
  7. US News: Apple rebrands iPad 4G after LTE furore: Apple has quietly rebranded its new iPad WiFi + 4G in re... http://t.co/NHUERxNe#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-13

  1. US News: High-end apps emerge as ultimate sales feature: In recent months, some of the city's biggest deve... http://t.co/4DqeopHX#iPad
  2. US News: Will iPad Mini really cost $199?: by Andrew Dodson Apple blogs – and even news sites — are report... http://t.co/FjZX3ZV6#iPad
  3. US News: Going Ape for iPads: By Amara Sohn The iPad craze has spread to Miami's Jungle Island, where all ... http://t.co/3gICewmH#iPad
  4. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-12: US News: Win a Brand New iPad! DaisyGrip™ Partners with Digital Phot... http://t.co/bluJ3qJm#iPad
  5. Blog: 7インチ版iPadの発売時期と価格が判明!? 10月に1万5000円から2万円 ...: 複数のIT系メディアは「信頼できる情報」として、7インチ版iPadの価格や販売時期について報じている。それによ... http://t.co/EFKXXTdU#iPad
  6. US News: ClamCase for iPad Review: A Keyboard That Tries to Turn Your iPad Into a Mini ...: The ClamCase (... http://t.co/yFUjO1kM#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-12

  1. US News: Win a Brand New iPad! DaisyGrip™ Partners with Digital Photography Cafe for a ...: To celebrate t... http://t.co/e8xpnzdn#iPad
  2. US News: Text spam driving you crazy? Here's how to fight back: You reach for the night stand, pick up the... http://t.co/JjNbfA0F#iPad
  3. Blog: ぺんてる、紙に書いた文字を簡単にiPadなどに保存: 天沢の生活: ぺんてる株式会社は、普通紙のノートやメモ用紙に書いた筆跡をデジタル化してiPhoneやiPad、Android端末などに高い解像度で... http://t.co/vLAPEldL#iPad
  4. US News: Spigen's Zipack iPad Case Is Either Brilliant Or Stupid [Review]: As a rule, I don't like thick f... http://t.co/3yMBLals#iPad
  5. US News: iPad apps and screen time for kids: learning or babysitting?: I cringed because it made me think ... http://t.co/ujXhFDWB#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-11: US News: iPad and iPod POS system used in a New York restaurant: By ... http://t.co/KmECGPQY#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-11

  1. US News: iPad and iPod POS system used in a New York restaurant: By Gene Ryan Briones on 05/11/2012 00:32 ... http://t.co/o1LgyOAx#iPad
  2. Blog: 新型iPad購入前参考情報リンク(51: 新型iPadの情報収集: 新型iPad購入前参考情報リンク(51,リンク集です。もし買ったら、記事書くかも。(笑.新型iPadの情報収集 http://t.co/wugbkDJf#iPad
  3. US News: Best New iPad Apps of the Week: Fix duplicate contacts, take better notes, and ...: by Ray Aguile... http://t.co/XMYCZTIf#iPad
  4. US News: Seniors and the iPad: Sandy Shulman, 72, is playing hangman in the sports category on the iPad. S... http://t.co/DGtS93M4#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-10: US News: iPad: Desperately Seeking Guest Mode: By Chris Maxcer If yo... http://t.co/LcTg0QUt#iPad
  6. US News: ManageEngine IT360 Integrated IT Management Now Available for the iPad: Enhancements include the ... http://t.co/IuPHdnhi#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-10

  1. US News: iPad: Desperately Seeking Guest Mode: By Chris Maxcer If you ever share your iPad, you may be fam... http://t.co/tDzS2Ycl#iPad
  2. Blog: ぱぶログアイティメディア : 新型iPadも当たる、スマートジャパンの ...: 今回はスマートジャパン開設記念キャンペーン第2弾として、新型iPadを1名様に、USBコネクタを2つの方向で差し込める... http://t.co/pbcxXbxt#iPad
  3. US News: Nimbleware Consulting debuts unique nūzmūz app for Apple iPad: Nimbleware Consulting today announ... http://t.co/UdNwemfk#iPad
  4. US News: Citrix expands mobile access and sharing options for iPad, Android users: by David Needle May 9 2... http://t.co/KnRB3YjO#iPad
  5. US News: LinkedIn for iPad: An Easy Way to Stay Connected: LinkedIn has come to iPad, and with it brings n... http://t.co/C2R0bN9A#iPad
  6. US News: Review: Logitech Speaker Stand for iPad: By Tessa Reed, Journalist The Logitech Speaker Stand hol... http://t.co/seUnbQGO#iPad
  7. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-09: US News: Current iPad is Plan B Design: Ever wondered why the new iP... http://t.co/Sj2k4Wxs#iPad
  8. Blog: 紙より多才 書く気にさせるノートアプリ大集合 最新iPadアプリ34選(3 ...: 日常生活で誰でも使うのがメモやノート。アップルのタブレット端末「iPad(アイパッド)」の大きなタッチパネルを生か... http://t.co/ULcEqrxA#iPad

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iPad 関連情報 2012-05-09

  1. US News: Current iPad is Plan B Design: Ever wondered why the new iPad was a bit thicker than the iPad 2? ... http://t.co/pxeT3uN3#iPad
  2. US News: Upcoming Redsn0w To Allow iPhone 4S, iPad 2 Downgrades: If you accidentally updated your iPhone 4... http://t.co/uvjxzZqV#iPad
  3. US News: Judge: Proview Can't Sue Apple in California in iPad Trademark Battle: s lawsuit against Apple In... http://t.co/99rZJkBd#iPad
  4. Blog: 結果的にiPad2を電源オフ状態にして一ヶ月半放置した時のバッテリの ...: マイiPadが新しいiPadになって、早一ヶ月半が過ぎました。 以前まで使って ... Appleが名付けた「新しいiP... http://t.co/zqedeUfh#iPad
  5. US News: Paul Rudd, An iPad & A Toilet: It's The Poster For 'This Is 40' Plus A New ...: Pete's on the cra... http://t.co/4wBq9sV1#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-08: US News: Burlington killing was caught on iPad, DA says: I love you,... http://t.co/woQpWNEp#iPad
  7. US News: Peepometer For iPad Offers Unique Way To See Weather: The $1.99 iPad app provides a unique weathe... http://t.co/BnuQCSAy#iPad

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