
iPad 関連情報 2012-05-09

  1. US News: Current iPad is Plan B Design: Ever wondered why the new iPad was a bit thicker than the iPad 2? ... http://t.co/pxeT3uN3#iPad
  2. US News: Upcoming Redsn0w To Allow iPhone 4S, iPad 2 Downgrades: If you accidentally updated your iPhone 4... http://t.co/uvjxzZqV#iPad
  3. US News: Judge: Proview Can't Sue Apple in California in iPad Trademark Battle: s lawsuit against Apple In... http://t.co/99rZJkBd#iPad
  4. Blog: 結果的にiPad2を電源オフ状態にして一ヶ月半放置した時のバッテリの ...: マイiPadが新しいiPadになって、早一ヶ月半が過ぎました。 以前まで使って ... Appleが名付けた「新しいiP... http://t.co/zqedeUfh#iPad
  5. US News: Paul Rudd, An iPad & A Toilet: It's The Poster For 'This Is 40' Plus A New ...: Pete's on the cra... http://t.co/4wBq9sV1#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-08: US News: Burlington killing was caught on iPad, DA says: I love you,... http://t.co/woQpWNEp#iPad
  7. US News: Peepometer For iPad Offers Unique Way To See Weather: The $1.99 iPad app provides a unique weathe... http://t.co/BnuQCSAy#iPad

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