
iPad 関連情報 2012-05-04

  1. US News: OpenText Extends Lead in Mobile Enterprise Solutions with Exceed onDemand for iPad: The latest ad... http://t.co/mkj6W6GY#iPad
  2. US News: Police Need Help Identifying iPad Shoplifter: By Erin Conrad, Reporter - bio | email SHERMAN, TX ... http://t.co/dPfds50o#iPad
  3. US News: iPhone and iPad Haptic feedback to feel textures: There's some interesting news today for Apple e... http://t.co/MKWUedOZ#iPad
  4. US News: EtQ Introduces Reliance on the iPad: EtQ, Inc. is pleased to announce that Reliance can now be ru... http://t.co/q2MqkKpL#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-03: US News: Was Apple protest leader Mark Shields an 'accidental activi... http://t.co/emiYtsR2#iPad
  6. Blog: ニコニコ動画 4.10 (iPhone/iPad) ユニバーサルアプリ化 – コトハノオト ...: iPhone/iPod touch向けのニコニコ動画公式視聴アプリ「ニコニコ動画」(無料) が 4... http://t.co/TzQA0XF1#iPad

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