
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-09

  1. US News: Want to be the next Michael Bay? There's an app for that: You can make complete productions on yo... http://t.co/P1pEKKsG#iPad
  2. US News: Gwyneth Paltrow juggles phone, coffee and iPad as she takes a break from ...: Clutching a cup of ... http://t.co/CDUOwzPx#iPad
  3. Blog: iPadを導入する幼稚園・保育園を2年後には全国1000園に - MAMApicks: 幼児教室「ドラキッズ」のほか、都内近郊にて保育園・子ども園を運営する小学館集英社プロダクションは、この6月より全... http://t.co/NfYSJMNi#iPad
  4. US News: Siri Strikes Out for the iPad: The blogs have been whirring with speculation that Siri will come ... http://t.co/BGdG5cJi#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-08: US News: New iPad App Helps Children Cope With Internal Bullies: [ht... http://t.co/nUuHXMFX#iPad
  6. US News: Elements CRM for iOS Doesn't Stint on Functionality: By Erika Morphy Most vendors opt for a minim... http://t.co/fbt7stXh#iPad

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