
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-13

  1. US News: Siri learns new tricks for iPad: APPLE has unveiled thinner, more powerful next-generation MacBoo... http://t.co/lZsynA0w#iPad
  2. US News: Rockville private school gives the iPad a classroom trial: The private school issued fifth- and s... http://t.co/NRsL0PKG#iPad
  3. US News: Rockville private school gives the iPad a classroom trial: The private school issued fifth- and s... http://t.co/XMsw8kBS#iPad
  4. US News: Bronx Zoo Monkey Protests Budget Cuts With iPad: The marmoset playing with an iPad to ask for mon... http://t.co/wq4Ou60N#iPad
  5. Blog: X01HTの日記W-ZERO3とiPhone - はてなダイアリー: iPhone, iPad] Notesy for Dropbox: Dropbox のテキストファイルを編集できる。圏外でも使用可... http://t.co/XKUZLNrX#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-12: US News: Raynham Public Library holding workshop on devices like iPa... http://t.co/IChXVGQ1#iPad

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