
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-20

  1. US News: Microsoft's Surface tablet vs. the iPad: 7 challenges: If Microsoft is going to take on Apple in ... http://t.co/hXzNiELP#iPad
  2. US News: Firefox creators aim to fix the iPad's 'miserable browsing experience': Mozilla, the non-profit g... http://t.co/KyfAujMb#iPad
  3. Blog: iPadアプリ|【二瓶 朗のデジタル・トレッキング】モバイル環境でも - DIME: ということで現在の主力モバイル機である我がMacBook Airと、2年ほど前の発売日に勢い込んで買ったわりにもは... http://t.co/I23cfaAD#iPad
  4. US News: Fotopedia Unveils Global Ad Model Designed for iPad: We provide the ability to instantly reach a ... http://t.co/RTKQAAHD#iPad
  5. US News: Square Digital Loyalty Card hits the iPad: This week the folks at Square are encouraging their al... http://t.co/Zqq9ErgU#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-19: US News: Microsoft unveils iPad rival: Microsoft unveiled the Surfac... http://t.co/WNWG3ELB#iPad

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