
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-03

  1. US News: Microsoft updates SkyDrive for iPad with Retina Display support, file-sharing ...: By Zachary Lut... http://t.co/zQWxsIQu#iPad
  2. US News: Tablet and iPad Catalog Apps Revolutionize Shopping: Shopping by iPad: the promise was, we were a... http://t.co/8SsTr1io#iPad
  3. US News: And the Kiwanis Club iPad winner is…: Dr. Gene Stine (right) takes possession of a new iPad from ... http://t.co/Cr6TgdwS#iPad
  4. Blog: 手書き入力、キーボード入力、フリーハンドイラストなどすべてのメモ機能 ...: 手書き入力、キーボード入力、フリーハンドイラストなどすべてのメモ機能を備えたiPad向けノートアプリ 「Ghostwri... http://t.co/j5bgqELf#iPad
  5. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-02: US News: New Release! 2012 iPad Buyer's Guide by iLounge: However, i... http://t.co/P2uBs5LL#iPad
  6. US News: New Ukulele Music-Making App Combines Your iPad and iPhone Into A “Futulele”: It's the first app ... http://t.co/1Df2stJp#iPad

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