
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-07

  1. US News: IPads Help Some Airlines Cut Costs: By Justin Bachman on June 06, 2012 Coach travelers on Singapo... http://t.co/rxnfVZdx#iPad
  2. Blog: に合わせてiPhone iPad電子書籍『男の座右の銘 戦国と幕末編』: 6月9日『ロックの日』、に合わせてiPhone iPad電子書籍『男の座右の銘 戦国と幕末編』を緊急値下げ●音楽出版社 株式会... http://t.co/qKYYqy0P#iPad
  3. US News: Huffington: Free Preview Issue: Download the free preview issue of Huffington, the new iPad magaz... http://t.co/uNo6Szvm#iPad
  4. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-06: US News: Dell exec: The iPad is a 'shiny' device but it's not fit fo... http://t.co/BVY8fbRZ#iPad
  5. US News: Pong Presents World's Most Advanced Case for Your iPad: Pong Research Corporation showcased a new... http://t.co/xKe1Whtd#iPad
  6. US News: Best iPad apps for toddlers: Here are 10 iPad apps perfectly suited to the 2 and under set. While... http://t.co/QvD37HNU#iPad

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