
iPad 関連情報 2012-06-19

  1. US News: Microsoft unveils iPad rival: Microsoft unveiled the Surface on Monday, a new tablet computer tha... http://t.co/me4EVhI2#iPad
  2. US News: Microsoft's Not Competing With the iPad — Not Entirely: Surface is not just an iPad competitor. I... http://t.co/imejat9T#iPad
  3. Blog: 数字で比較、マイクロソフト「Surface」と「iPad」 - KandaNewsNetwork: 数字で比較、マイクロソフト「Surface」と「iPad」|Microsoftウォッチ|トピックス|... http://t.co/BQrh6bjo#iPad
  4. US News: OPA: iOS And Android Level In U.S. Tablet Market, Penetration 47 ...: Apple has captured mindshar... http://t.co/Pm1BESBP#iPad
  5. US News: Introducing Word-Ed, A Unique Word-Find App for iPhone and iPad: Recently released app Word-Ed of... http://t.co/0WCFOALv#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-06-18: US News: buy ipad 2-Best places to Buy ipad 2: The ipad 2 is an incr... http://t.co/2HsQSZ2Y#iPad
  7. US News: EyeStalk for iPhone/iPad new movie mode is a must for all Whovians: [http://t.co/wTxRtnrL] Edenbri... http://t.co/YU3llyTA#iPad

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