
iPad 関連情報 2011-04-17

  1. US News: US-Canada price gap defies easy answers, many reasons, experts say: Apple's just-released iPad 2 ... http://bit.ly/hFx5WF#iPad
  2. US News: Self Help Classics 4.0 Easter Sale: Bucharest, Romania – Independent developer Alexandru Brie ann... http://bit.ly/fRk94V#iPad
  3. US Blog: Ipad 2 Activation - iLounge Forums: Can I activate my new iPad2 which is coming this week on a di... http://bit.ly/eLito7#iPad
  4. US News: Amazon, Barnes & Noble slugging it out in e-reader market: It's interesting that no one has asked... http://bit.ly/hljljy#iPad
  5. US News: Aneesoft Upgraded Video Converter Pro for iPad 2: Upgraded Video Converter offers the iPad 2 prof... http://bit.ly/h0LM3r#iPad
  6. US News: Need Help with your iPad? Try the new “Apple Support Communities”: The new website replaces the o... http://bit.ly/eCiU2y#iPad
  7. News: ソフトバンクとタカラトミー、親子で楽しめる「FamilyApps」を配信開始: ソフトバンクモバイルとタカラトミーエンタメディアは4月15日、iPhone/iPad向けのエデュテインメントアプリ「Fa... http://bit.ly/hyx6m0#iPad
  8. News: タブレット端末のビジネス利用に関する意識調査 88%はビジネス利用を試みるも、実際ビジネスで活用した人54.4% ~不満点は「文字入力」がダントツ~: 所有者のうち54.4%がiPadを保有していまし... http://bit.ly/dGc7JV#iPad
  9. US News: Blackberry PlayBook has real strengths, but feels unfinished: By Jessica Van Sack / Booting Up Af... http://bit.ly/esdAYs#iPad
  10. Blog: クリスタルフィルムセット for iPad: 傷・汚れから守るのは当たり前 ...: 液晶に傷が付くのは怖いけど iPad が操作しにくくなる・見難くなるのはちょっと…と 保護フィルムを敬遠されていた... http://bit.ly/gkuyU9#iPad
  11. US News: AP: Playbook tablet scores points, provides first serious competition to the iPad: By Tom Zanki |... http://bit.ly/eSug0J#iPad
  12. News: 【レビュー】NTTドコモのAndroid 3.0搭載タブレット「Optimus Pad L-06C」を体感!(後編): 高さ243mmと、本体サイズの高さはiPadとほぼ同じで、全体的なサイズ感として... http://bit.ly/h8hTT3#iPad
  13. US News: iPhone 5.0 inventory launch game assuaged by Verizon iPhone 4 holdback: The iPad 2 was so lacking... http://bit.ly/hmpy4R#iPad
  14. US News: iPad 2 killer feature: The 2X factor: by Brooke Crothers After using the iPad 2 for a few weeks, ... http://bit.ly/eDcIfE#iPad
  15. US News: Top 5 iPad 2 Games – The iPad 2 is Not Just For Surfing Anymore: Yes, we know the iPad 2 is thinn... http://bit.ly/e5JmfJ#iPad
  16. US Blog: Best Buy Launches iPad 2 Promotion This Sunday | iPhone Alley: Looks like those Best Buy hoarding... http://bit.ly/foe6Ym#iPad
  17. US News: Intersect World LLC Partners with Skyhook to Deliver the First iPad App ...: MANHATTAN BEACH, Cal... http://bit.ly/hTSUYU#iPad
  18. US News: iOS 4.3.2 Jailbreak iPhone 4, iPhone 3Gs And iPad: Unlock any iPhone tool released: The hackers c... http://bit.ly/eIHz5y#iPad
  19. US News: iPad 2 Will Take More from The Gaming market: From 2009-2010, the market share of iOS and Android... http://bit.ly/eG0ffF#iPad
  20. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-04-16: US Blog: Inspiration Set for iPad « UGNN: Inspiration Set for iPad p... http://bit.ly/fy0e3H#iPad
  21. News: アップル、iOS 4.3.2リリース: このアップデートでは、機能が向上し、問題が修正されている。iTunes からダウンロードし、アップデートできる。 このアップデートと互換性があるのは、iPhon... http://bit.ly/hX6Qwm#iPad
  22. US News: Tech Week: HTC Sensation unveiled and iPad 3 rumours: Yet another busy week in tech has past us b... http://bit.ly/fSAnZU#iPad
  23. US News: Is tablet next must-have tool for school?: Selma Benjamin-Coleman, left, and Chloe Stuart play wi... http://bit.ly/gMhLA9#iPad
  24. US News: Final Fantasy III Coming to iPad April 21: This morning Square Enix announced on their Facebook p... http://bit.ly/haGfva#iPad
  25. News: 講談社作品約7800冊がAndroidに対応! Android向け電子書籍販売点数 業界最大級の4万冊突破!: 講談社作品はこれまでWindows PC/Mac/iPad/iPhone/iPod to... http://bit.ly/fr0cFP#iPad
  26. US News: Did Steve Jobs really hide iPad development from former Apple Board member ...: Up until a few ye... http://bit.ly/hJPAn5#iPad

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