
iPad 関連情報 2011-04-12

  1. US News: Introducing Delegate 2 for Mac, iPhone and iPad - To-Do Lists Manager: [prMac.com] San Jose, Cali... http://bit.ly/ghmYLW#iPad
  2. News: 米Gartner、タブレット端末市場でiPadの優位は2015年まで続くと予測: 一方、Androidは2010年の14.2%から、2011年には19.9%、2012年には24.4%、2015年には3... http://bit.ly/fXXIpp#iPad
  3. News: ブルームバーグ・ビジネスウィークの新しいiPadアプリがアップルのアップストアで本日発売開始: 「当社は、iPad向けにブルームバーグ・ビジネスウィーク誌を刷新し、読者のためになるよう充実させました。... http://bit.ly/gT7AHm#iPad
  4. US News: 30 new music apps for iPhone, Android and iPad: This sits alongside The Elements as one of the iP... http://bit.ly/fmcLBX#iPad
  5. News: タブレット端末市場、アップル「iPad」の独壇場は2015年まで続く(ガートナー予測): 米調査会社ガートナー(Gartner)は、2011年から2015年までの世界のタブレット端末市場に関する予測レ... http://bit.ly/hcrAwr#iPad
  6. US News: Amazon Kindle rivals iPad 2 by offering ads: Aside from the Nook Color, Amazon Kindle is also con... http://bit.ly/h2Blxs#iPad
  7. News: Androidアプリの市場動向を分析できる「QuerySeeker Analyze」: すでに昨年12月にiPhone/iPadアプリ版が販売されているが、今回新たにAndroidアプリ向けが販売され... http://bit.ly/gX9vb7#iPad
  8. US News: Intel launches Oak Trail tablet chip in attempt to catch iPad: In October, the company conceded t... http://bit.ly/gf9dHa#iPad
  9. US Blog: Head Tracking for iPad: Glasses-Free 3D Display | MetaFilter: Head Tracking for iPad: Glasses-Fre... http://bit.ly/faEBZu#iPad
  10. US News: PADACS protects iPad 2 with Ziva: By Stephen Withers PADACS' latest products are a pair of cases ... http://bit.ly/glWROt#iPad
  11. News: アイパッド向け定期購読サービス提供に動く雑誌増加: 米出版業界とアップルの関係は冷え込んだままだが、アップルのタブレット型端末「iPad(アイパッド)」向けに定期購読サービスを提供する方向に動く雑誌が... http://bit.ly/gRU5eV#iPad
  12. US News: YouTube Fans Now can Enjoy FLV Videos on Your Brand-new iPad 2: (OPENPRESS) April 12, 2011 -- Dig... http://bit.ly/iaHGay#iPad
  13. Blog: G-Form iPad case is bowling ball resistant – New Tech Gadgets ...: Apr. 11, 2011 - When the iPad 2 w... http://bit.ly/g5Wn1q#iPad
  14. News: HP、iPhoneおよびiPad 2向けクラウド印刷アプリ「HP ePrint service」をリリース: 米Hewlett-Packard(HP)は4月11日(現地時間)、同社のクラウド印刷サービ... http://bit.ly/fSBrYP#iPad
  15. News: ズーム機能搭載の3D360度写真作成ソフトウェア 「Ortery TruView360」「Ortery TruView3D」を発売: 本年1月、iPad、iPhone対応フォトシミリ(※1)、フォトキ... http://bit.ly/fV0eVK#iPad
  16. US News: The Future Of... Shopping: By Larry Dignan | April 11, 2011, 6:01pm PDT What store has the new iP... http://bit.ly/gBnxCV#iPad
  17. US News: Apple's iPad projected to stay at top of tablet market: report: BY Dino Grandoni When it comes to... http://bit.ly/eqBLYQ#iPad
  18. US News: NEW IPAD APP FOR BLOOMBERG BUSINESSWEEK LAUNCHES TODAY: New York -- Bloomberg Businessweek today ... http://bit.ly/hJtFCn#iPad
  19. News: 関連キーワードで検索: 「GQ JAPAN」のiPad/iPhone用アプリは昨年5月にいち早くスタート。模索を繰り返しながら結果を出し続ける、市場のリーダー的存在。ファッションコンテンツに特化したi... http://bit.ly/gApvSz#iPad
  20. US Blog: Doodlebug leads iPad Games of the Week - iPhone app ...: Now you can relive the glory days of lat... http://bit.ly/gTiFro#iPad
  21. US News: Viacom says 'not so fast' on that Cablevision iPad app: by Mel Martin (RSS feed) on Apr 11th 2011... http://bit.ly/hVcrH1#iPad
  22. Blog: Join us for iPad Live! tonight at 9pm EDT! | TiPb: iPad Live! comes to you again tonight, so grab so... http://bit.ly/ef87a9#iPad
  23. Blog: Join us for iPad Live! tonight at 9pm EDT! | TiPb: iPad Live! comes to you again tonight, so grab so... http://bit.ly/fj9SBR#iPad
  24. Blog: Join us for iPad Live! tonight at 9pm EDT! | TiPb: iPad Live! comes to you again tonight, so grab so... http://bit.ly/hF8XS3#iPad
  25. US News: KyLinTV Launches KyLin2.0: For the first time ever, Chinese television channels will be delivered... http://bit.ly/gfR3B8#iPad
  26. Blog: Bloomberg Businessweek: First Look At New iPad App: But would you spend $3 per month to read somethi... http://bit.ly/eJJcEL#iPad
  27. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-04-11: US News: Tennis Legend Jimmy Connors Is Back in Business and in the ... http://bit.ly/ew8XhP#iPad
  28. US News: Best Buy: Apple Has Not Banned Us From Selling iPad 2: By Leslie Horn Is Best Buy in trouble with... http://bit.ly/dYITxf#iPad
  29. US News: ClubWorld, Up With A Fish and more! Free iPhone + iPad Games for April 11, 2011: Atari's Greatest... http://bit.ly/g4QyPP#iPad
  30. US News: Bloomberg Businessweek Arrives on the iPad by Subscription: The issues are sleek, colorful and de... http://bit.ly/e4Nplt#iPad
  31. US News: Is an iPad just another TV? Time Warner & Viacom ask court to decide: by John Lister The dispute ... http://bit.ly/euh5mr#iPad
  32. US News: PEOPLE Magazine Announces The Royals Book App for iPad is Now Available on the ...: NEW YORK--(BU... http://bit.ly/fKiw9K#iPad
  33. US News: Ipod Touch: FindMeTV is actually a TV listings website but it also has apps for the iPad and iPho... http://bit.ly/hGg042#iPad
  34. US News: PEOPLE Magazine Announces The Royals Book App for iPad is Now Available on the ...: NEW YORK--(BU... http://bit.ly/fOdpDc#iPad
  35. US News: Yokohama App Wins Addy Award: s Explorer iPad app captured a Silver Addy Award in the mobile mark... http://bit.ly/eiYtP4#iPad
  36. US News: Yokohama App Wins Addy Award: s Explorer iPad app captured a Silver Addy Award in the mobile mark... http://bit.ly/g7fF4I#iPad
  37. US News: So, Is Apple Cheating?: From the iPod through the iPad, no one has created a credible competitor.... http://bit.ly/gwI5zm#iPad
  38. US News: PEOPLE Magazine Announces The Royals Book App for iPad is Now Available on the ...: NEW YORK--(BU... http://bit.ly/hdrIcA#iPad
  39. US News: Ipod Touch: FindMeTV is actually a TV listings website but it also has apps for the iPad and iPho... http://bit.ly/f95Kk1#iPad
  40. US News: So, Is Apple Cheating?: From the iPod through the iPad, no one has created a credible competitor.... http://bit.ly/fyzqKC#iPad
  41. News: スマートフォン自由自在 [2]iPhoneとAndroidどちらを選ぶ?---セキュリティ: スマートフォンを対象にした不正プログラムは、AndroidとiOS(iPhone/iPadのOS)のどちら... http://bit.ly/envo3y#iPad

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