
iPad 関連情報 2011-01-10

  1. US News: First look at the Mac App Store: This is Apple's equivalent to the App Store for iPhone, iPad, an... http://bit.ly/icifXK#iPad
  2. Blog: 【乞食速報】iPadが2000円 ...: アルファルファモザイクの【乞食速報】iPadが2000円!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!についての詳細情報。アルファルファモザ... http://bit.ly/gc3ABu#iPad
  3. US News: Apple shuns CES but accessories a hit: Dozens of manufacturers of covers, stands, headsets, speak... http://bit.ly/fVIRpQ#iPad
  4. US Blog: By Ken Levine: My favorite new iPad app!: My favorite new iPad app! This vital application teache... http://bit.ly/dS96r0#iPad
  5. US News: Doing pure math on the iPad: Is learning algebra on an iPad easier? Maybe, but for sure it makes ... http://bit.ly/fOljNG#iPad
  6. News: iPadをレトロアーケード筐体にする『iCADE』がまさかの商品化: iPadを使ってレトロゲームを"それっぽい"雰囲気で楽しむためのガジェットがCESで登場して話題になっている。『iCADE』では、... http://bit.ly/hn3zvv#iPad
  7. US News: Motorola Xoom Tablet Named Best Gadget at CES: In addition, Motorola's Xoom was also honored with... http://bit.ly/hu6bcR#iPad
  8. News: KT、全社員にiPadスマートワーク構築へ: 通信大手のKTはこのほど、全役職員3万2000人にアップル社のタブレットPC「iPad(アイパッド)」を配布、いつ、どこでも業務システムに接続し、仕事がで... http://bit.ly/gmioTF#iPad
  9. US Blog: CES 2011 iPad Accessories - Geek News Central: Apple did not attend CES 2011, it never does. Howe... http://bit.ly/gJYj9A#iPad
  10. US News: CES Wrap Up: Best of Show [CES 2011]: Best New iPad App: Boxee's media software is the best reaso... http://bit.ly/gDsLLJ#iPad
  11. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-01-09: News: 【CES】一条真人のCESレポート ー iPadにまでEPGサービスを拡大していくRovi: 現在、日本国内では、EPG情報... http://bit.ly/eSJmlU#iPad
  12. US News: “Solitaire Greatest Hits” for iOS Now Available on the AppStore: Solitaire Greatest Hits, develop... http://bit.ly/hQGWeO#iPad
  13. Blog: iPad 2 | Endorphin Studio Blog: qrcode. OTHERS. iPad 2. 2011.01.10 Monday. iPhone 5、iPhone CDMAの噂が. ... http://bit.ly/ifrZWL#iPad
  14. US News: Early reviews gloat over India's iPad challenger: The CES this year has scores of tablets on show... http://bit.ly/i0keat#iPad

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