
iPad 関連情報 2011-01-03

  1. US News: "GunApp" Now Available on the AppStore: GunApp, developed by 2010 Mobile Dev Group LLC, is now av... http://bit.ly/i6URO4#iPad
  2. Blog: Contest – Win a Saddleback Leather Sleeve for iPad — Just Another ...: One Free Saddleback Leather S... http://bit.ly/i3vxqG#iPad
  3. US News: 2011 tech priorities: Finding a place for iPads: While businesses have warmed to the iPad much mo... http://bit.ly/fIwf49#iPad
  4. US News: Internet TVs, tablets expected to rule electronics show: (Handout | NA) iPad in April, and 3-D se... http://bit.ly/eGNL4u#iPad
  5. News: 正月だし、伊勢海老でも食うか...え!? これ、iPadじゃね!? 超絶リアル「おせちiPad」と「寿司iPhone」: 何故ならiPadケースだからです。 ちなみにこの「おせちiPad」、残念ながら... http://bit.ly/h3D6WL#iPad
  6. US News: Amazon Kindle e-book lending lands: The e-book can be read on any of the Kindle apps for the PC, ... http://bit.ly/fLO3i2#iPad
  7. US News: How did I do with my tech predictions for 2010?: It's been quite a year: the rise of Android, the... http://bit.ly/h3V2jO#iPad
  8. US Blog: iPad 2 will ship with… which version of iOS? | TiPb: Apple is widely expected to introduce iPad 2... http://bit.ly/fVNZXh#iPad
  9. US News: Apple iPad Deals - High Definition Deals For The Apple Tablet: Apple iPad is one of the most impr... http://bit.ly/h0zQLG#iPad
  10. US News: AppStore Reviews: “Santa Tracker 2009″: Santa Tracker 2009, developed by 2009 Talus Media LLC, is... http://bit.ly/ihvGsx#iPad
  11. Blog: [iPhone, iPad] EQu – 高音質イコライザー: EQ設定をイジりたい人への ...: iPhoneでもiPadでも同じように使えるユニバーサルアプリなのも嬉しいですね。 *DRMで 保... http://bit.ly/f4VmHB#iPad
  12. News: 2011年、IT業界はどうなる?IT専門家が予測: 2010年はタブレットiPadの年だった。iPadが登場した時は誰もが驚いた。客は買って使いさらに驚いた。2011年もひきつづきiPadの年となるだ... http://bit.ly/fXw38E#iPad
  13. US News: HTC Looks To Take On iPad With New Device “Scribe”: But what will be interesting is seeing just w... http://bit.ly/gOWc7P#iPad
  14. US News: TypeLink, Wizard Hex top iPad Apps of the Week: This whimsical but educational bus, as well as ev... http://bit.ly/eHlRVz#iPad
  15. News: マックのためのアプリストアー"Mac App Store" がまもなく開店!: iPhone、iPod touch、iPadのためのApp Storeに続いて、Macに特化して希望のアプリケーションを... http://bit.ly/i9Z5Fv#iPad
  16. US News: CES 2011 Trends: Fast Chips, Android Tablets and More 3D: The question is whether any of them wil... http://bit.ly/dZFNSh#iPad
  17. US Blog: iPhone – iPod – iPad » iPad review: Your laptop / netbook is ...: The IPAD ™ is a big iPhone. Do ... http://bit.ly/h2jaqo#iPad
  18. US News: Google Digital Newsstand Aims to Muscle In on Apple: And, because each new issue would automatica... http://bit.ly/hPHp4u#iPad
  19. News: 東京放送:クラシックを聞きながら企業情報を閲覧できるiPadアプリ: 東京放送ホールディングスは、クラシック専門のインターネットラジオ「OTTAVA(オッターヴァ)」を聞きながら投資家向け企業情報を閲... http://bit.ly/eyr8tE#iPad
  20. US News: CES gadget fest sizzle fizzles: This year, the specter of a new iPad awaits. Still, legions of ex... http://bit.ly/eazgxv#iPad
  21. News: iPad、iPhone 4、ザ・ビートルズ配信開始…2010年「アップル」重大ニュース総まとめ: iPad、iPhone 4、MacBook Air、Apple TVなど、2010年はアップル製品が大... http://bit.ly/gUy6ah#iPad
  22. US News: Deal Alert: Pick up a CaseCrown iPad Case for $1: If the holiday season has put a strain on the o... http://bit.ly/fZmGGw#iPad
  23. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-01-02: US News: HTC to Patent 'Scribe' for Possible iPad Rival Device: Taiw... http://bit.ly/hs55u7#iPad
  24. US News: The year when the future came to stay: I predicted that Apple would release an ''iPad'', and book... http://bit.ly/eejFbu#iPad
  25. US News: iPad 2 Case Images Leak Out; Quickly Pulled: Leaked images of purported cases for Apple's iPad 2—... http://bit.ly/eRSW2F#iPad
  26. US Blog: iPad 2 Online Case Listings Removed: The Real Deal Or Not ...: Whilst over recent weeks, news has... http://bit.ly/fyCWCd#iPad
  27. US News: iPad App Review: Angry Birds: I have many, many apps on my iPad, but the one I to which I keep re... http://bit.ly/eENzoR#iPad
  28. US News: Amazon brings book lending to Kindle: The book can be enjoyed via the Kindle apps for the PC, Mac... http://bit.ly/gRrg9v#iPad

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