- US News: Yoobao Executive Genuine Leather Case V2 for iPad 2 is Nearly Perfect: The Yoobao Executive Genui... http://bit.ly/mDbHck#iPad
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- US News: New device lets you share your blood pressure with your pals: The new device, unveiled at this ye... http://bit.ly/l4nFsC#iPad
- Blog: スマフォにも最適化し、ファンゲート対応のFacebookページも作成できる ...: css3のMedia QueryでiPhoneやiPadにレイアウトを自動調整し、ファンゲート対応のFaceboo... http://bit.ly/jAInnj#iPad
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- US News: Summer Reading For This Woodbury Resident: eBook Style: I have an iPad and a Kindle and have read... http://bit.ly/kdCEtJ#iPad
- US News: An educator's thoughts on using iOS 5 features in an iPad classroom.: Speirs and Greenock have be... http://bit.ly/iN9J8H#iPad
- News: 生地・副資材の商取引サイト「テキスタイルネット」~『iPad等のタブレット端末に最適化されたカタログ機能』をリリース~: 現在24社、8000品番の商品を取り扱っています。 ダウンロードできる機能です... http://bit.ly/isa730#iPad
- US News: Facebook on iPad: what's the best app?: By Jake Zarobsky June 20, 2011 3:00 pm EST Comments (0) T... http://bit.ly/ldjAt8#iPad
- Blog: TENORI-ONがiPhone/iPadで!TNR-iを試す | 製品/プロダクト | オープン ...: ニュースを読んでいたら、なんとTENORI-ONのiOS版「TNR-i」が本日付...あすなろBLOG http://bit.ly/j6fTHj#iPad
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- US Blog: Squeal: iPad App Plays the Human Face Like a Theremin: Just as Smule's ocarina app yields the gen... http://bit.ly/mhAF5F#iPad
- US News: Apple comes under CCI scanner: NEW DELHI: iPhone and iPad maker Apple has come under the scanner ... http://bit.ly/lYG2o2#iPad
- News: アドビ、Adobe Flash BuilderにiOSなどのサポートを追加: 開発者は「Adobe Flash Builder」プラットフォームを使って、Appleの「iPad」や「iPhone」など... http://bit.ly/jbbkf6#iPad
- US News: Withings releases iPhone Blood Pressure Monitor: Wrap the cuff around your arm, then plug the cab... http://bit.ly/ktUrHE#iPad
- News: 東芝のiPad 2対抗馬!レグザタブレットの魅力を解説: 本製品は、先に発表された「レグザタブレット AT300/23C」と同様に、「レグザAppsコネクト」や、電子書籍ストア「ブックプレイス」など当... http://bit.ly/kN01Iv#iPad
- US News: FDA clears Withings iPhone blood pressure cuff: First announced at CES this year, the monitor run... http://bit.ly/lMAiOd#iPad
- US News: News Corp. Will Make You Regret Ever Buying an iPad: Hamilton Nolan —In your musty Monday media c... http://bit.ly/lgBnU5#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-06-20: Blog: [iPhone][iPad] TNR-i | iPad iPhone Wire: Twitter、Blogで話題のおすすめi... http://bit.ly/kD3kej#iPad
- US News: iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad gaming update for June 20, 2011: This is the section of this week's u... http://bit.ly/mDTB4Y#iPad
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- US News: If You Have an iPad You Can Control Your Organization for Free: With this iPad app, in less than ... http://bit.ly/lC8uhk#iPad
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