- US News: What's the story?: Rather than storing information locally on a smartphone, laptop, PC or iPad, t... http://bit.ly/jzkdsP#iPad
- US Blog: Movie News After Dark: Ebert on Your iPad, The Faces of Ron ...: What is Movie News After Dark? U... http://bit.ly/jdBIGh#iPad
- Blog: auからsoftbankへ乗り換えた「ただ一つの理由」と「事前に準備&確認し ...: X01HTの日記W-ZERO3とiPhone、iPadも · このページをアンテナに追加 · RSSフィード. ... http://bit.ly/l7BlAF#iPad
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- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-06-10: US News: Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 video mocks Apple's iPad 2: Samsung... http://bit.ly/lk0EKe#iPad
- US News: Asus boasts it will outship other tablet makers, except iPad: Except for the iPad. Asus will ship... http://bit.ly/ltjSeL#iPad
- US Blog: One Chinese kidney = One American iPad 2 - DVD Talk Forum: One Chinese kidney = One American iPad... http://bit.ly/kMGpzJ#iPad
- Blog: Verizon版「iPad 2」の刻印サービスに問題発生か?? - 気になる、記になる…: 9 to 5 Macによると、Verizon版の「iPad 2」を注文した多数のユーザーが、中国から出荷され... http://bit.ly/l11ifR#iPad
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