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- US News: Apple reportedly recalling Verizon iPad 2: By Sovy It seems something is wrong with some of the V... http://bit.ly/klqvW7#iPad
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- US News: Otterbox Defender Case for iPad 2 – Accessory Review: By Cristi | June 11, 2011 | Leave a comment... http://bit.ly/mA8Abm#iPad
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- US News: Transitioning from a laptop to a tablet? Here's some advice: By Omar L. Gallaga Last year, the da... http://bit.ly/lqWUPi#iPad
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- US News: Comex Hints iPad 2 Userland Jailbreak Imminent: Many iPad 2 owners have long lamented the lack of... http://bit.ly/jNGILI#iPad
- US News: WWDC: Apple's OS X Lion -- it's all about control: "Developers planning on marketing software for... http://bit.ly/jHAGYr#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-06-11: US News: What's the story?: Rather than storing information locally ... http://bit.ly/jsjVl8#iPad
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