- US News: windows phone 8: Microsoft showed off its Surface tablet, which is aimed squarely at stealing iPa... http://t.co/7wFf3cNF#iPad
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- US News: The top iPhone and iPad apps on App Store: The top iPhone and iPad apps on App Store.See all stor... http://t.co/Ls0DFU2F#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-07-03: US News: Apple's $60M iPad Deal Could Make China Trademark Nightmare... http://t.co/PQw6YF27#iPad
- Blog: アップルと中国企業6000万ドルで和解 iPad商標権(12/07/02) - YouTube: 中国での「iPad」の商標権を巡ってアップルと中国企業とが争っていた問題で、アップルが巨額の和解金で合... http://t.co/uZmpA6Je#iPad
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