- US News: Apple's $60M iPad Deal Could Make China Trademark Nightmare Worse: Apple's iPad trademark nightma... http://t.co/TnMCnF7B#iPad
- US News: News Summary: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case: SETTLEMENT: Apple has paid $60 million to sett... http://t.co/zscW0JTv#iPad
- US News: China court: Apple pays $60M to settle iPad case: BEIJING — Apple has paid $60 million to settle ... http://t.co/aaHhDSYo#iPad
- US News: Handstand for iPad: Just a couple of words about this mind-blowing and unique the Handstand ($35)... http://t.co/a42qjVkb#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-07-02: Blog: さっきiPadを手に持って座ってネットを見たりしてたら、急にあばらの下の ...: さっきiPadを手に持って座ってネットを... http://t.co/VISr2evD#iPad
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