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- US News: iPad case keeps your tablet safe: The Kensington KeyFolio Secure Security Case for iPad 2 feature... http://t.co/CPCSl18l#iPad
- Blog: [iPhone][iPad][無料] 東京AR | iPad iPhone Wire: 「東京AR」とは、東京新聞、東京中日スポーツ(トーチュウ)の紙面をはじめ、屋外の対象物などにスマートフォンをかざ... http://t.co/TkJiFAXk#iPad
- US News: Southside ISD to put an IPad in every desk: By Maria Luisa Cesar Trustees in the Southside Indepe... http://t.co/9t22NT92#iPad
- US News: If You Do This With Your iPad, You Don't Deserve an iPad: On a late night bus from Washington to ... http://t.co/cjbN8MxW#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-05-29: US News: VA launches iPad pilot program: The department is handing o... http://t.co/ExfLTUby#iPad
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