- US News: iPad helps man with cerebral palsy communicate better: Blackstone Valley Tech (BVT) student Tyler... http://t.co/lUvf8Pl7#iPad
- Blog: 女史Times|正直知らんかった!iPad safariの戻る/進むボタン,新規タブ ...: iPad safariの戻る/進むボタン,新規タブボタンの長押しで履歴や最近閉じたタブを表示できるなんて... http://t.co/xbyzhl6f#iPad
- US News: Business Apps Meet the iPad User Experience With Launch of Flowfinity Actions 6.5: With this rele... http://t.co/musuauie#iPad
- US News: Apple makes record profit: Lai Seng Sin/Associated Press file photo Visitors look at iPad tablet ... http://t.co/7vtB1iUS#iPad
- Blog: 奈良県橿原市W様 iPhone4液晶修理 - 関西iPhone・iPad修理センター ...: 関西iPhone・iPad修理センター奈良店の修理日記 · <奈良県桜井市I様 iPhone4液晶割. ... http://t.co/I0mKmwNt#iPad
- US News: Quasar Adds Windows to iPad Multitasking: Ever wish you could open multiple running apps in diffe... http://t.co/osFd53YF#iPad
- US News: HP Slate 8 Tablet Thinner than iPad, Runs Windows 8: The iPad challenger will reportedly be thinn... http://t.co/uwqzxtWC#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-04-29: Blog: 1円『iPad』[12時30分 2012/04/29]|オークションを活用して安く商品を ...: 【iPad専用液晶保護フ... http://t.co/RI5r4zBV#iPad
- US News: PC-style strategy on the iPad: THE iPad is no stranger to strategy - the Apple App Store teems wi... http://t.co/9ngFNxIi#iPad
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