- US News: Apple screws UK disties, punts just 13000 iPads to channel: By Paul Kunert • Get more from this a... http://t.co/63QZRU79#iPad
- US News: Opinion: Why Apple should launch a smaller iPad: By Ben Camm-Jones | Macworld UK | 17 April 12 Ru... http://t.co/wvunFHkl#iPad
- US News: Kobo newsstand for iPad adds 30 McClatchy newspapers: by David Needle April 16 2012, 3:37 pm Comm... http://t.co/anzFJrIU#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-04-16: US News: 4 inch iPhone mockup, iPad Mini, Apple fails, and more!: Th... http://t.co/OUK0HkEt#iPad
- US News: Google's window of opportunity for its Android tablet is closing fast: It's about to get caught b... http://t.co/OpzW6uhJ#iPad
- Blog: iPad mini、249ドルから299ドルで第3四半期にリリース?: Kotakuが7.85インチの「iPad mini」が2012年第3四半期(7月から9月)にリリースされるとの噂を報じた。価格は... http://t.co/5RLlJ7Z1#iPad
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