- US News: Is iPad right for Grandma? A technophobe's review of Apple tablet: comLarry Conklin watches as hi... http://t.co/VnumTb6d#iPad
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- US News: Big moves in mobile payments could impact your wallet -- if you still have one: A customer signs ... http://t.co/xRXL9xbO#iPad
- Blog: 余っているHDDをDLNAサーバに - iPhone他いろいろ 開発メモ: iPhone/iPod touch, iPad. 交換したHDDが結構余ってるので、適当なケースに入れて外付けHDDとして使... http://t.co/niPXhwup#iPad
- US News: 10 tech blunders that could be April Fools' day jokes: After an hour of listening to Apple CEO Ti... http://t.co/zwfW8D4p#iPad
- US Blog: MacDirectory: iPad | Orbit your iPad into space with iSpaced: iSpaced is an accessory designed to... http://t.co/zNCjvwnU#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-04-01: US News: Should you upgrade to the iPad 3?: The iPad 3 is an improve... http://t.co/mtVWq6bl#iPad
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