
iPad 関連情報 2012-03-20

  1. US News: WaterField Unveils the Indy: A Sleek, Leather Bag for the New Apple iPad: Specially sized to hold... http://t.co/ByIitoCZ#iPad
  2. Blog: iPhoneで撮影した動画のiPadでの視聴・編集をiCloud経由で可能にする ...: iPhoneで撮影した動画のiPadでの視聴・編集をiCloud経由で可能にするアプリ「VideoSync」... http://t.co/Vr7cewED#iPad
  3. US News: Tablets to outsell computers in 3 years, Apple CEO says: March 7, 2012: Apple's senior vice presi... http://t.co/EWX7kZK7#iPad
  4. US Blog: Retina Wallpapers for the new iPad: If you're reading this, there's a good chance that you've alr... http://t.co/d1pRG7FK#iPad
  5. US News: Why a Verizon 4G iPad Beats NetZero's New Freemium 4G Service: Some of the other tiers are attrac... http://t.co/EJlFgQE6#iPad
  6. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-19: Blog: 【モバイル】新iPadディスプレー供給はサムスン独占 シャープ・LG“不合格 ...: 大斗の大斗ポストの記事、【モバイル】... http://t.co/MxO2yCHu#iPad
  7. US News: Samsung, Qualcomm inside iPad: Apple's new iPad uses chips made by Qualcomm, Broadcom, Samsung El... http://t.co/9QnrEEs9#iPad

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