- US News: Apple loyalists give thumbs up to 'New iPad': 'New iPad' will have a sharper screen and a faster ... http://t.co/CwZaeijA#iPad
- Blog: 新しいiPadの名前は3でもHDでもなく「iPad」ただ中身はすごい変身ぶり ...: 新しいiPadが発表されました。名前は3でもHDでもなく「iPad」。これは他のApple製品、iMacやiPo... http://t.co/8BU6J2F6#iPad
- US Blog: New iPad 3 Released: Features, Specs, & Prices: The new iPad has been announced by Apple! As expe... http://t.co/UGwCAhEA#iPad
- US News: Samsung compares the Galaxy Note 10.1 with the new iPad: It's all about the iPad today, but no co... http://t.co/3HiBvvDO#iPad
- US News: Apple's Cook lifts lid on newest, 4G-powered iPad: Apple is betting a 4G-equipped iPad will tempt... http://t.co/bV4XtHEI#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-07: US News: Apple's Next Generation iPad Features, Changes: March 6 (Bl... http://t.co/kAKBZDeP#iPad
- US News: Apple Announces A Retina-Equipped iPad (It's Just Called iPad): Today, in downtown San Francisco,... http://t.co/xPyjtiLE#iPad
- Blog: このあと8日午前3時から新iPadの発表会です: このあと8日午前3時から新iPadの発表会です. ソースURL: http://t.co/slmbtqhP... http://t.co/73gvnEIf#iPad
- US News: $99 AppleCare+ for iPad Coming Alongside iPad 3?: MacRumors has now received word that Apple appe... http://t.co/0FSrYleT#iPad
- US News: Today's Top Stories: iPad Unveiling, Google Play, Netflix Cable: The biggest story of the day is,... http://t.co/EpFTTnjP#iPad
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