US News: LTE option poses data dilemma for iPad, smartphone users: The new iPad's LTE option, which allows... http://t.co/pktIwRNt#iPad 22:23 via twitterfeed
US News: Windows 8 to support Retina-class displays: If manufacturers follow suit, Windows 8 tablets and h... http://t.co/Yvf6O5iX#iPad 16:10 via twitterfeed
US News: Capital Markets | March 22, 2012 | The Economist: The new iPad, which was released on March 16, i... http://t.co/5uqjoRmo#iPad 10:45 via twitterfeed
Blog: 新iPadを300万枚積上げると富士山7.5個分! | Blog!NOBON: 新iPad(厚さ:9.4mm)を300万枚積み上げると「28200 m」となり、富士山で約7.5個分!エベレストだと約3... http://t.co/SZdJovYT#iPad 06:11 via twitterfeed
US News: RIM hunts iOS devs for mystery iPhone and iPad apps: RIM is hunting iOS developers to create apps... http://t.co/XxHYfmnu#iPad 05:32 via twitterfeed
Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-22: US News: New iPad explodes ... when attacked by lasers: You might've... http://t.co/BPPTB3WL#iPad 02:57 via twitterfeed
US Blog: Apple's new iPad runs hotter than before, says watchdog ...: Influential consumer watchdog, Consu... http://t.co/dDAGxdyN#iPad 00:15 via twitterfeed
US News: Apple's haptic touch feedback concept uses actuators, senses force on iPhone, iPad: The timing of... http://t.co/xW7App92#iPad 00:09 via twitterfeed
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US News: New iPad release draws muted interest in Las Vegas: At top, Mauricio Gramajo, left, and Brett Ree... http://t.co/ivbs1MAc#iPad 22:27 via twitterfeed
US Blog: Viable iPad 2 iOS 5.1 jailbreak by i0n1c » Phone Reviews: Although the all new shiny and sparklin... http://t.co/GGo3PDgI#iPad 19:49 via twitterfeed
Blog: iPad Wi-Fiモデル 64GB - ホワイト (第3世代) が私の手に届くまでの ...: iPhoneもiPadも2台持ちの@hebyumetanです。 昨日、ついにiPad Wi-Fi ..... http://t.co/tuKY0Yaz#iPad 18:39 via twitterfeed
Blog: ありがとうiPod : SoftBank SELECTIONの新しいiPad用ケース4種: SoftBank SELECTIONから、新しいiPadに対応するケース4種が発売されます。 そのうち3種は... http://t.co/TjfW4qgm#iPad 18:39 via twitterfeed
Blog: リンゴが好きでぃす: 歴代 iPad 比較早見表: iPad, iPad 2, iPad (3rd). Introduced, March 2010, March 2011, March 2012. ... http://t.co/Gy85JW4h#iPad 18:39 via twitterfeed
US News: Release of iPad 3 attracts polite crowd: By Emma Sapong The first sale of the new iPad 3 drew cro... http://t.co/gCwYWjDl#iPad 17:25 via twitterfeed
US News: Here's Where You Can Stick Your iPad: The iPad 3 isn't so much revolution as an upgrade. So if yo... http://t.co/2SqxA9M3#iPad 13:05 via twitterfeed
US News: Business Highlights: ___ Fans, entrepreneurs among first buyers of new iPad MADISON, Wis. — Apple... http://t.co/1qSTz2Bq#iPad 09:50 via twitterfeed
US News: iPad + Sphero = Fun!: Watch the remarkable Sphero roll (With a little control from the iPad).See ... http://t.co/qJXNtsMh#iPad 05:36 via twitterfeed
Blog: Ceron.jp - iFixit、「新しいiPad」の分解写真を公開~バッテリーが70 ...: By Nakimo:2012年3月16日 iFixt社が、本日発売の「新しいiPad」を早速入手し、... http://t.co/oupfzTo1#iPad 04:43 via twitterfeed
Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-03-16: US News: Test-drive the new iPad for 30 days: Svajian added that man... http://t.co/4bqeAFwq#iPad 02:55 via twitterfeed
US News: Small crowd clamors for Wi-Fi-only version of new iPad at Wal-Mart: By Matt Hamblen Computerworld... http://t.co/IJHaQDbO#iPad 00:59 via twitterfeed
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