- US Blog: Google makes useful iPad search tweaks: If you like searching Google on your iPad, the company ha... http://t.co/EOKJcMnb#iPad
- US News: CIA : Operation Ajax for the iPad: Here is an overview of the complete book, out now for the iPad... http://t.co/plkdDAoy#iPad
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- Blog: 防音用品/防音窓/防音/消音/減音/吸音ガイド : iPhone・iPadに騒音計 ...: iPhone・iPadに騒音計. souonkei http://t.co/oJLEQISV... http://t.co/IJeishsB#iPad
- US News: Remains of the Day: Buyer be where?: by Dan Moren, http://t.co/eQmvbgiY Marketers reduce iPad buye... http://t.co/PYX3RhDL#iPad
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- US News: Holiday Gift Guide: Buying an iPad: by Steven Sande Nov 18th 2011 at 9:00PM Whether it's a gift f... http://t.co/mECJUuQJ#iPad
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- US News: Next iPad to be thicker, and next iPhone all metal?: That's what might happen with the next iPad,... http://t.co/12zsAhp1#iPad
- News: [iPad, iPhone] Clock 吉木りさ: この時計アプリで毎日が吉木日和!エロかわレボリューション!: iPadを横にすると時間のほかにカレンダーも表示されます。 とりあえず画像を連続でお... http://t.co/PITRDvud#iPad
- US News: First Impressions of Kindle Fire Tablet: Amazon's new Kindle Fire tablet isn't an iPad killer, bu... http://t.co/yAmbIC5F#iPad
- US News: Shuffler.FM iPad App Creates Curated Multimedia 'Audio Magazine': New free iPad app Shuffler.FM, ... http://t.co/2cGH3IOv#iPad
- US Blog: Aquaria iPad Review at Slide To Play: Originally released as an indie PC game, Aquaria feels wond... http://t.co/cmLhka2g#iPad
- US News: Apple to Bring iChat to iPhone, iPad and iPod touch with iOS 6?: John Heaton, iOS developer, rece... http://t.co/b2Qomiyn#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-11-18: US News: Amazon Kindle Fire vs. B&N Nook Tablet: Is there a clear wi... http://t.co/yTvjE0cm#iPad
- US News: Be the European Central Bank on an iPad or iPhone: The update for Apple's iPad and iPhone is just... http://t.co/4HIeoHg0#iPad
- News: iPhone/iPod touch/iPadゲームレビュー: プレイステーション 3、PSPに続き、iPhone/iPod touch/iPadというプラットホームで名作ゲームがよみがえった。発売と同... http://t.co/MzsVSN68#iPad
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