
iPad 関連情報 2011-11-24

  1. US News: The New Nabi Tablet for Kids: By James Floyd Kelly It's no secret I'ma big fan of the iPad, and I... http://t.co/bag5pDvL#iPad
  2. News: 営業担当者が使うiPad向けのPDFリーダーを独自開発: Meiji Seikaファルマは2011年7月、iPadで動作するPDFリーダー用のアプリケーションを独自に開発した。MR(医薬情報担当者)が... http://t.co/PHDUiSjo#iPad
  3. US News: Kindle Fire and iPad 2 Top Holiday Wish Lists: By GrabNetworks Holiday shopping is going mobile, ... http://t.co/PoZg9l5p#iPad
  4. US Blog: Apple Black Friday deals include big discounts on iPad, Macbooks ...: It's time to finally treat ... http://t.co/xON2j90s#iPad
  5. News: 「NOVA 2 – Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance HD」がAirPlay、iCloudに対応: ゲームロフトは、iPad向けFPS「NOVA2–Near Orbit Van... http://t.co/9juwpGwh#iPad
  6. US News: Evernote for iOS update adds rich text editing on iPad: Evernote recently updated its iOS app to ... http://t.co/GepsnN0Q#iPad
  7. News: iPad熱中夫 妻に「ジョブズって知ってる? 偉大な発明品だ」: 奈良県に住むデパートの契約社員Yさん(46才)の夫(42才、メーカー勤務)もまた、iPadユーザーなのだが、それがなんとも情けなくて…... http://t.co/kwAKiAiI#iPad
  8. US News: iPad 3 launch to benefit Taiwan's Apple supply chain: By Benson Wei Taiwanese OEM and ODM makers ... http://t.co/xCpDtoSY#iPad
  9. US News: Encyclopaedia Britannica stays in touch with new iPad app: By Wailin Wong, Chicago Tribune report... http://t.co/BbDX3yUm#iPad
  10. News: フォーカル、MacBookに電源供給しながらiPhone/iPadを急速充電できるアタッチメント式USB電源アダプタを発売: PlugBugをMacBookファミリーの電源アダプタに取り付けることで、... http://t.co/SSPtnVDG#iPad
  11. US Blog: Game subscriptions come to iPad starting with Big Fish Games ...: You can already subscribe to ma... http://t.co/HZNEmPYy#iPad
  12. Blog: RecEver | iPad iPhone Wire - X01HTの日記W-ZERO3とiPhone、iPadも: iPhone] RecEver | iPad iPhone Wire. [iPho... http://t.co/A9tNaBnR#iPad
  13. News: 続々と挑戦者現る...ギズが出したiPad早打ちギネス記録を破っちゃえ!(動画): ギズ読者の皆さまは、あのiPadのソフトウェアキーボードって使っておられますか? iPhoneの小さな画面よりはタイ... http://t.co/rvI3LMPm#iPad
  14. US News: Phil. STAR titles debut on iPad, Android via Press Reader: The Philippine STAR joins Angry Birds ... http://t.co/Qt5iy5jO#iPad
  15. News: 山陽トランスポート、車のフロント側で使用可能な吸盤式iPad 2用ホルダー: 山陽トランスポートは、自動車のフロント側で使用可能な吸盤式のiPad 2用ホルダー「車載フロント用iPad 2ホルダー E... http://t.co/DLogpVjF#iPad
  16. US News: Infinity Blade: How Two Brothers Made $20 Million From One Mobile Game: I paid about six times mo... http://t.co/J6El6tLN#iPad
  17. News: 【スマホLIFE】Androidにも対応したワンセグ。新「SEG CLIP」: 2011年6月に発売されたiPhone/iPad/iPod touch対応のワンセグチューナ「SEG CLIP mobi... http://t.co/B6Rr8SPq#iPad
  18. US News: iPad Only App - Designed for iPad: It has everything you want from a native podcast client and it... http://t.co/54yfbHzB#iPad
  19. US News: iPad 3 retina-slaying reports return, 7.85-inch iPad possibility voiced: If you'll remember back ... http://t.co/YBq4vWgf#iPad
  20. News: iPadで学習「Evernote Peek」: 今まではiPad2にしか対応していなかったが、今回発表した「Evernote Peek 2.1」では、「バーチャルカバー」機能を搭載することにより、同カ... http://t.co/FXsTcsH6#iPad
  21. US News: How does the Kindle Fire compare to a regular Kindle or iPad?: What can you tell me about the Kin... http://t.co/F1HRZ0E9#iPad
  22. US News: Comcast starts AnyPlay trials with Xoom and iPad: It will test the service in two unnamed markets... http://t.co/p5kctaQE#iPad
  23. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-11-23: US News: Domino's Pizza Hero iPad App: You Make It, They Bake It: Do... http://t.co/sSEU6muM#iPad
  24. US News: How to share a family iPad: by Christopher Breen, http://t.co/eQmvbgiY This article originally app... http://t.co/UoFqDwmV#iPad
  25. News: チェックしておきたい脆弱性情報<2011.11.24>: iPhone 3GS、iPhone 4とiPhone 4S版iOS 3.0~5.0、iPod touch版iOS 3.1~5.0、iPad版i... http://t.co/EU4oWlSm#iPad
  26. US News: Get (holiday) cooking with the Belkin Chef Stand + Stylus for iPad: by Michael Grothaus Nov 23rd ... http://t.co/Q9PSzhWt#iPad

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1 件のコメント:

  1. it is good for any television provider to have a streaming option for their customers. Comcast will give their customer access to all of their channels to stream on 1 iPad in the house only. I'm a fan of streaming, but I don't know if I could be a fan of streaming in my house only. I have been using my sling adapter hooked up to my DISH receiver for over a year to stream all my live channels to my mobile device no matter where I am, so I can't see moving backwards in technology. Funny thing is working at DISH this year I watched all these providers release apps for their customers, and just like Comcast, they limit streaming to being in the house, which just takes the whole reason to stream out of the equation.
