- US News: Kindle feels iPad ebooks heat: By Wilson • Dec 6th, 2010 • Category: Uncategorized Prior to the i... http://bit.ly/hjuLSP#iPad
- US Blog: NYC Bloomingdale's Offering Free iPad with $1500 Sportswear Purchase: The Bloomingdale's ad, whic... http://bit.ly/fsGSeo#iPad
- US News: SFR, France Telecom begins Apple's iPad sale: France's two largest telecom operators, France Tele... http://bit.ly/hYt3e0#iPad
- Blog: [iPad] ヘアカタログ Hot Pepper Beauty HAIR COLLECTION for iPad ...: ホットペッパービューティー×東京ガールズコレクション2010A/W=ヘアカタ... http://bit.ly/i8AIkq#iPad
- US News: Palm Springs Unified purchasing 210 iPads: High school students in Palm Springs Unified School Di... http://bit.ly/h4TQls#iPad
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- US News: BBC iPlayer For iPad In The US Coming Soon: ... the first market will be the US When the iPlayer ... http://bit.ly/gGuVVN#iPad
- News: ~12月31日まで特別価格で販売!ビジネスシーンで使えるハンドメイド商品~: 被服製造業やWeb販売業などを行う株式会社ニシキ(所在地:岡山県倉敷市、代表取締役:西山 茂男)は、iPadを画面の一部も... http://bit.ly/fWe7kG#iPad
- US News: Borrow, Don't Buy: Websites that Let Strangers Share: 05, 2010 Because I am extremely vulnerable ... http://bit.ly/hV8acF#iPad
- US News: Veho Pebble Smartskin Battery Pack For Your iPad: We've seen plenty of battery packs for the iPho... http://bit.ly/fel2JQ#iPad
- News: iPhoneアプリの動向を分析できる「QuerySeeker Analyze」: クエリーアイは、iPhoneやiPad向けアプリの動向を分析できるWebサービス「QuerySeeker Analyz... http://bit.ly/dYkgcz#iPad
- US News: Journalism, the Internet and the future of the Iowa State Daily: By Heath Verhasselt heather.verh... http://bit.ly/gYFNQp#iPad
- US News: Apple iPhone, iPad & iPod iOS 4.2.1 Features: Customers of Apple who own a variety of their produ... http://bit.ly/hPxRTL#iPad
- News: 『Rock Band Reloaded』はiPadなら1台で2人同時のプレイが可能(動画あり): by 中川真知子 Apple Storeにローンチした『Rock Band Reloaded』には、様... http://bit.ly/hPWhfn#iPad
- US Blog: 25 days of iPhone, iPod and iPad app and accessory holiday sales: Here's a secret for you…althoug... http://bit.ly/dXlbr7#iPad
- US News: Anyone Still Want to Contend That the iPad Isn'ta Creative Tool?: By Harry McCracken | Posted at ... http://bit.ly/gPv88f#iPad
- News: タブレットは今買うべきか--「iPad」など各製品を検証: 現在、Appleの「iPad」がタブレット市場のシェアの大半を占めているが、サムスンの「GALAXY Tab」など「Android」ベースタ... http://bit.ly/fyJdpk#iPad
- US News: Designers: Here's the Brief for Project Magazine's iPad Cover Contest: As part of its launch on T... http://bit.ly/dKFWXM#iPad
- News: iPhoneよりもiPadに大きな影響を与えたiOS 4.2: iPhoneとiPod touch、iPadのOSの最新バージョン、iOS 4.2が公開された。もちろんわたしも、iOS 4.1からバー... http://bit.ly/hQk4fI#iPad
- Blog: かわいいアプリが多い。iPadには必須アプリが登場。今週のおすすめ ...: 今週も素晴らしいアプリが多いですね。イチオシは iPad システムマネジャーかな。 Pictory と.iPhone, i... http://bit.ly/egLmPO#iPad
- US News: iOS 4.3 to serve subscription-based apps, Android Gingerbread next?: Apple's iPhone 4 and iPad wi... http://bit.ly/gPU4hj#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2010-12-05: US News: Check Out The DJ In U With iPad's “Djay” App: News has come... http://bit.ly/gVXTUd#iPad
- US News: Veho Pebble Smartskin for iPad will give you 500 hours of juice: The Veho Pebble Smartskin for th... http://bit.ly/icvI2M#iPad
- US News: Zombie Neighborhood tops iPad Games of the Week: Spirits for iPad: Guide spirits to their goal by... http://bit.ly/hZCWic#iPad
- News: メディアファクトリーが今月中旬から「メディアファクトリー新書」を電子書籍にも展開、iPhone/iPad向けから: 電子書籍化の第1弾として発売されるのはiPhone/iPad向け電子書籍4アプリ。タ... http://bit.ly/eRBfzT#iPad
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