
iPad 関連情報 2010-12-04

  1. US News: Gazette launches new app for iPad: The Gazette today announced the release of a new, first-genera... http://bit.ly/fMsQbq#iPad
  2. US Blog: Apple iPad and Life on the Cloud — The Book Designer: Apple iPad and Life on the Cloud. After sev... http://bit.ly/f7z8YC#iPad
  3. US News: Three UK Details iPad On Contract Offers: Three UK has finally revealed more details about its iP... http://bit.ly/edTAAC#iPad
  4. Blog: プロ美容師の養成をiPhone/iPadで――TONI&GUY、「Handbook」で ...: +D Mobile 12月3日(金)22時22分配信 トニーアンドガイジャパンは11月30日、 インフ... http://bit.ly/g3olsz#iPad
  5. News: iPadをデスクに固定できる『吸盤式モバイルアーム』 - 上海問屋: Web通販の「上海問屋」を運営するエバーグリーンは、iPadやネットブック等のモバイル機器を机上などに固定する『吸盤式モバイルアー... http://bit.ly/haQxXa#iPad
  6. US News: Fast Forward: Tablet computer alternatives to iPad: It's not quite accurate to say that only two ... http://bit.ly/e5ttbh#iPad
  7. Blog: 「SimCity Deluxe for iPad」のプレイ動画 - 気になる、記になる…: touchArcadeが、EAが開発中の「SimCity Deluxe for iPad」のプレイ動画などを... http://bit.ly/dGIzbi#iPad
  8. US News: Manufacturers hope tablets will stick: By Alan Cane Last month, I compared Apple's iPad to a donk... http://bit.ly/gy6Rdy#iPad
  9. News: 電子書籍が読める「BOOKWALKER」iPad/iPhoneで配信開始: 角川コンテンツゲートは、電子書籍を中心とするデジタルコンテンツを販売するための直営プラットフォーム「BOOK☆WALKER」... http://bit.ly/e816YK#iPad
  10. US News: The Android Sysadmin: Remote Administration in the Smartphone Age: The iPad and the Android table... http://bit.ly/g1j4YL#iPad
  11. US News: Publishers, Apple remain in a stalemate over iPad subscriptions: By Katie Marsal Apple and magazi... http://bit.ly/hByD2b#iPad
  12. Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2010-12-03: News: 「BOOKWALKER」のiPad/iPhone版サービス開始、『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』立ち読み版も: 角川コンテンツゲートは、... http://bit.ly/g9Tx5X#iPad
  13. US Blog: Information Architects – iPad App Sales Numbers: WIRED vs. Writer: We're tracking the performance... http://bit.ly/h7sfRV#iPad
  14. US News: HARVEST TO HEAT iPad App Debuts: (BUSINESS WIRE)--The Taunton Press is launching its first cookbo... http://bit.ly/eGpm4M#iPad
  15. US News: Kids prefer the iPhone and iPad over Android smartphones and tablets: ... with the former plannin... http://bit.ly/hl0LWh#iPad
  16. US News: Business Intelligence Now Available on the iPad: The company recently announced the availability ... http://bit.ly/hU5UpQ#iPad

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