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- US News: iPad Mini Rear Casing Has Been Leaked!: A quick glance tells us that in terms of overall form fac... http://t.co/x8dOVSqU#iPad
- US News: Despite iPad And MacBook Investments, Most Schools Don't Make The Grade ...: Apple kicked off 201... http://t.co/JM4MfOMr#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-08-04: US News: Apple's Jobs was open to making smaller iPad: executive: SA... http://t.co/2zXmt2Rp#iPad
- Blog: Newsify|速くて美しいレイウアトでRSSを気持ちよく読み ... - iPad Creator: 読み込みも速くて見た目も楽しいGoogleリーダークライアント「Newsify」を試してみました... http://t.co/65tQVLp2#iPad
- US News: Updated DODOcase for iPad is colorful, stronger, and could be yours: Since the first TUAW review ... http://t.co/oErLrc5m#iPad
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