- US News: Retailer slashes iPad 2 price by $70 ahead of 'iPad 3': By Josh Ong Meijer, a regional big-box re... http://t.co/uvc6LxGA#iPad
- US News: Apple CIO O'Connor visited Bangalore in January: Will it be iNDIA after iPhone ...: BANGALORE: Ni... http://t.co/Tpa6sIPz#iPad
- US News: Apple's Hypocrisy on US Jobs: Apple says no, but of course it can: American workers build BMWs an... http://t.co/DEmgCXAP#iPad
- US News: iPad Sales Hit 1-Million Milestone in Korea: Apple has sold more than 1 million iPads in Korea, j... http://t.co/iD6f2W2k#iPad
- US News: Must-have gadgets for 2012: An employee demonstrates Apple's latest iPad, the iPad 2, running the... http://t.co/m4PUa1Qb#iPad
- Blog: 米アップル「iPad(アイパッド) 3(仮称)」発表? - 株式コロ朝NEWS!!: 米アップル、3月第1週にサンフランシスコで開く自社イベントで多機能端末「iPad(アイパッド)2」の後継機の発表見... http://t.co/CpP92vzt#iPad
- US News: Instabooth Is A Fun Companion To Instagram: When Apple introduced Photo Booth on the iPad 2, they... http://t.co/H7KK8yb6#iPad
- US News: Pearson and Apple team on iBooks 2: 12, 2012 12:43 PM In January, Apple introduced a new product,... http://t.co/E08S716d#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2012-02-12: US News: iPad 3 May Get March Release, Have Hi-Res Screen From Sharp... http://t.co/xlNXqbRJ#iPad
- US News: 4G LTE Samsung Galaxy Note Guarantees 4G iPad 3, iPhone 5: This all but assures that Apple will o... http://t.co/GQy3Potq#iPad
- Blog: 今までのiOSデバイスと、「iPad 3」で噂されているRetinaディスプレイの ...: Apple, Apple-Rumors コメントを追加. 2月 122012. MacRumorsは、Ch... http://t.co/b4wG1ICz#iPad
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