- US News: Drafix Software Launches PRO Landscape Companion for iPad: PRO Landscape Companion works in conju... http://t.co/gF5VQ6Wn#iPad
- US News: Apple iPad: 20 useful apps: By Jason Hiner, TechRepublic, 1 January, 2012 12:00 I previously said... http://t.co/ofnBR5JS#iPad
- US News: Visiting detectives search Vallejo home for a stolen iPad: A Vallejo police officer assisted Waln... http://t.co/rMPWwsfa#iPad
- US News: Forget the iPad 3, make the iPad 2 cheaper: by Dave Parrack Forget the iPad 3. Just for a moment,... http://t.co/ebEvPP4A#iPad
- US News: Mobile app gets updates for '12: By Staff Report Download the updated Standard-Times mobile app f... http://t.co/WcvNoLWK#iPad
- US News: Tech: The year's top paid and free iPhone and iPad apps: http://t.co/X4jJ4zYZ uses Facebook as... http://t.co/SNAW5JhG#iPad
- US News: Jailbroken Apple TV can now run full-screen iPad apps: By Nathan Ingraham on December 31, 2011 10... http://t.co/tf9atnWf#iPad
- US News: This Week's Top Downloads: Spire Puts Siri on Your Jailbroken iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch (Legall... http://t.co/X47ZelDD#iPad
- US News: Longtime Apple products designer Jonathan Ive awarded British knighthood: LOS ANGELES — Fans of t... http://t.co/B5bix6qp#iPad
- US News: KickStarter Project for an iPad Wall Mount: In that video, I demoed my iPhone mounted on the wall... http://t.co/sE2rV88o#iPad
- Blog: ファミ通App編集部からお年玉大放出! facebookの“いいね!”ボタンを ...: ボタンを押してiPad 2をゲット. ファミ通App編集部に眠っていた数々の宝(?)を、日頃の感謝を込めて読者... http://t.co/AEhNlXab#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-12-31: US News: With the New iPhones and iPads Barely Out of their Gift-wra... http://t.co/3A1P9PGV#iPad
- US News: iPad Game Review: Genesia: The 7 Gems of Neort: For a single purchase price, you get a complete a... http://t.co/HXKbRPCC#iPad
- US News: The Macalope Weekly: The cure for what ails you: by The Macalope, http://t.co/eQmvbgiY Dr. Paul Th... http://t.co/h4ih9558#iPad
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