- US News: 12-Steppers Rejoice - Step 4 Moral Inventory App for iPhone / iPod touch: Although this app is de... http://t.co/kOYjSvAQ#iPad
- US Blog: iPad Split View-Based Application - iPhone Dev SDK Forum: I created a iPad project base on Split ... http://t.co/Om0RiWlO#iPad
- News: [iPad, iPhone] Toriosan Nikki: 鳥の子どもが動物たちと遊ぶほのぼの系4コマ漫画。: 「ドナテロ島」に住むクセっ毛の鳥の子「とりおさん」がほかの動物たちと遊ぶ漫画、Tori... http://t.co/HD8mmdNQ#iPad
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- US News: Android apps to run on iPad with Alien Dalvik 2.0: Apple's iPad and a host of other non-Android d... http://t.co/GFcPmQUX#iPad
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- US News: Symantec launches iPad data loss prevention: "It is important to know that data is not leaving th... http://t.co/4lU1Owgq#iPad
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- News: [iPad, iPhone] Geo Measure: 歩道・山道などの距離や複雑な地形の面積が計測できる!: Google マップなどで経路検索できない道の距離、複雑な形をした湖や区画の面積を測れる... http://t.co/2BpeWJOd#iPad
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- US News: High priest of consumerism turned desires into needs: Today, we have more exciting commodities, a... http://t.co/hgzVh5xw#iPad
- News: i列車の車窓から ーそうだ!京都行こう!ー スクリーンショット: このアプリであなたのiPadが新幹線に変わります。 新幹線の車窓を再現したこのアプリで、東京から京都の2時間ちょっとの旅を楽しむことが... http://t.co/pAldS1MY#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-10-09: US News: Steve Jobs (1955-2011): The Man Who Revolutionized the Tech... http://t.co/QjDa2wTl#iPad
- US Blog: How to Put Movies on Ipad With Free Ipad Converter — ganga ...: Free iPad Converter To put movies... http://t.co/JT4VZFup#iPad
- US News: Computer Deal of the Week -Apple iPad 2: If you would like to get one though, Apple does have som... http://t.co/Z3fEncFW#iPad
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