- US News: Amazon's Kindle Cloud App Takes Bite Out Of Apple Store: And while anyone with a computer can acc... http://t.co/Bye3mFU#iPad
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- US Blog: Amazon tablet will trump the iPad in affordability, arrives next month: Amazon has devised a clev... http://t.co/CxxNIyV#iPad
- US News: Intelligent Medical Objects (IMO) Offers Medical Terminology Search on iPhone/iPad: IMO's release... http://t.co/pB1R1Cq#iPad
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- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-08-26: News: 雑誌『VOCE』がプロデュースする美容テレビ番組「BeauTV~VOCE」のiPhone・iPadアプリ大好評配信中! 8月... http://t.co/HwIApIH#iPad
- US News: After Apple's fall, is it time to buy or sell?: With Steve Jobs bowing out as CEO on Wednesday, A... http://t.co/3aKOVN4#iPad
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