- News: iPad 2でどこが変わった? 完全にバラバラにして徹底分解検証!: これまで数々のアップル製品を発売と同時に完全丸裸にして徹底分解してきたiFixitから、米国での発売から時間は経ちましたが、ようや... http://bit.ly/mGd8lt#iPad
- US News: Japan Crisis HD 1.0 for iPhone / iPad - Japan News and Utility Tools: [prMac.com] Hong Kong - One... http://bit.ly/lyzsTE#iPad
- News: 第1四半期の「iPad 2」販売、予測を下回る: Dow Jones Newswiresの記事によれば、製造に関するさまざまな問題のせいで、第1四半期のiPad出荷は供給不足に陥ったという。市場リサー... http://bit.ly/lCEh5A#iPad
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- US News: Apple takes a big bite out of the competition: By Peter Svensson AP Customers try on the Apple In... http://bit.ly/imjS8p#iPad
- US News: All-time most popular paid and free iPad applications: Apple's own word publishing application, P... http://bit.ly/lIviSE#iPad
- US News: THIS ISN'T AN IPAD I am holding #!@!: By Goh De No WHY is it that when I'm holding something that... http://bit.ly/kudNEi#iPad
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- US News: Aside from iPad 2, Amazon wants to challenge iTunes too!: Aside from the rumored iPad 2 killer an... http://bit.ly/lFeJWP#iPad
- US News: AVPlayerHD – A Powerful Video Player for the iPad: By dag | April 29, 2011 | View Comments By def... http://bit.ly/itaxvS#iPad
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- US Blog: iPad 2 vs Motorola Xoom (Wi-Fi Only Models) Features Comparison ...: With no doubt, the hot-selli... http://bit.ly/lqbuR7#iPad
- US News: Apple's iPad 2 Smart Cover color conspiracy: by David Carnoy The Apple Smart Cover for iPad 2 com... http://bit.ly/mrXY43#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-04-29: US News: Visual Persuasion, an Adobe CS5 Training Firm Announces Win... http://bit.ly/jtxGjn#iPad
- US News: E-readers killing paper books as iPad rules media tablets: Once considered niche products and dis... http://bit.ly/iwCrAR#iPad
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