- US News: Prescribing the best tablets: The iPad 2 has already gained millions of fans - but is it worth th... http://bit.ly/idib75#iPad
- US News: App store shenanigans: I've downloaded and tested a few hundred iPhone and iPad apps. One thing t... http://bit.ly/hBg0eJ#iPad
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- US Blog: Original iPad Now Harder to Find than iPad 2 | Mobile Marketing Watch: Going, going, gone. That's... http://bit.ly/en4FYm#iPad
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- US News: Gizmo | What's so great about the iPad 2?: When it was launched, Steve Jobs said the new iPad 2 w... http://bit.ly/e0YggJ#iPad
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- US News: eBay iPad 2 sales: brisk, especially in U.S.: All the April Fools news on the Internets By Athima... http://bit.ly/eXwOsJ#iPad
- US News: WJBF News Channel 6 iPad Winner Picks Up Her Prize: WJBF News Channel 6's Facebook fan page iPad ... http://bit.ly/eeac60#iPad
- US News: Can my purse hold an iPad 2?: Should I be one of the anointed legion of iPad 2 pioneers? I had to... http://bit.ly/i08Los#iPad
- US News: From garage to iPad: How Apple came to be [35th Anniversary Feature]: Last year the world was int... http://bit.ly/i7m9sv#iPad
- US Blog: Best iPad 2 apps for the new camera - Pocket-lint: Best iPad 2 apps for the new camera - Making t... http://bit.ly/i1dJbh#iPad
- Blog: 初代iPad、オンラインのアップルストアでは64Gモデルのみ。 - Vakayaro: 今月あたり発売されるのではないでしょうか. 色々なレビューを見ていると、思ったより も軽く。そして高速になってお... http://bit.ly/fBPakJ#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-04-01: News: アールフォース・エンターテインメントがiPad向けアプリ「CoinFalls 忍」を発売: 株式会社アールフォース・エンター... http://bit.ly/f4JHYm#iPad
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- US News: Apple's Ability to Produce iPad 2s: However, the most concern has been directed towards Apple (AA... http://bit.ly/hoayQh#iPad
- US News: Apple To Extend The iPad 2 Smart Cover To The iPhone 5?: Well here's a good way to battle the pos... http://bit.ly/gkbp7n#iPad
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