- US Blog: UFC Undisputed 2010 iPhone, iPad $0.99 Sale: For The UFC Fight ...: Hopefully you saw yet another... http://bit.ly/ibNIf2#iPad
- Blog: [iPad, iPhone] Adobe Photoshop Express v2.0: 新たに追加された ...: ですからJPEG独特のノイズがのっており、実際に使った時とは印象が違っています。i... http://bit.ly/ifwbYu#iPad
- News: 電子書籍リーダー市場が拡大: レポートによると、電子書籍リーダーの主力製品はApple社iPadとAmazon社Kindle。また米国では年配層が少しづつ電子書籍リーダーを受け入れ始めているという。 ... http://bit.ly/hYD5cz#iPad
- US News: Samsung announces new Galaxy Tab models with iPad prices: By Daniel Eran Dilger Samsung has ditch... http://bit.ly/heDVF2#iPad
- News: シングルタスクを実践するときコンピュータはマルチタスクでも良いという説: iPadなどのタブレット端末は、良くも悪くもシングルタスク。仕事の途中で、ついツイッターやフェイスブック、メールなどに「寄り道... http://bit.ly/gCud4X#iPad
- US News: Time Warner Cable Launches iPad app with Live TV:: According to a news report published in Yahoo!... http://bit.ly/hQ8hYf#iPad
- US News: Jack McElroy: Bringing in the new, bringing back the old with iPad E-Edition: All that is possibl... http://bit.ly/g0INHO#iPad
- News: サイファー・テックがAndroid/iPhone/iPadに対応したDRMソリューション「CypherGuardTM on Android」「CypherGuardTM on iOS」をリリース: サ... http://bit.ly/gORDMn#iPad
- US News: MIC Gadget's CompactFlash Card Reader for iPad Photographers: Some of our readers have asked us a... http://bit.ly/e0yKdr#iPad
- US Blog: Verizon Wireless stores selling original iPad for $300 and up: While the new iPad 2 is thinner, l... http://bit.ly/fdPxre#iPad
- Blog: Apple iPad 2 International Release Attracts Long Queues » Phone ...: According to an article over on... http://bit.ly/h3fDRa#iPad
- US News: The best top 10 reasons to buy an iPad 2: By Alex Zaharov-Reutt The iPad 2 is now officially here... http://bit.ly/i1KhMQ#iPad
- Blog: Twitter update adds photo, video capture to iPad 2: The official Twitter app for iPad has been updat... http://bit.ly/dXaC6p#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2011-03-26: US News: Will investors flip at the chance to back Flipboard's $200 ... http://bit.ly/eux642#iPad
- US News: Motorola Xoom, LG G-Slate, Galaxy Tab: Looking for an iPad 2 Killer: Vendors of LG's G-Slate, Sam... http://bit.ly/ig1Ck7#iPad
- US Blog: iPad 2 flex test [video] - Holy Kaw!: The folks at iFixYouri put the iPad 2 screen to the test in... http://bit.ly/eaSeky#iPad
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