- US Blog: How to Update iPhone or iPad to iOS 4.2 | My Blog: Guide to update iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iP... http://bit.ly/dsQ73W#iPad
- US News: Target, Best Buy & Walmart Black Friday 2010 ads: Apple Ipad, iPhone 4 ...: Target, Best Buy & Wa... http://bit.ly/cemm83#iPad
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- US News: Exec Digital Adds iPad Application to Their Tab: Exec Digital, an online publication that profile... http://bit.ly/dadLBK#iPad
- US Blog: A First Look At Apple's iPad With iOS 4 | Fast Company: You know that old wives' tale about how w... http://bit.ly/aejdjD#iPad
- US News: IPad Sales May Miss Estimates as Customers Trim Spending: By Amy Thomson - Fri Nov 12 21:07:59 GM... http://bit.ly/af82NK#iPad
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- US News: Found Footage: iPad used as protest sign: by Keith M (RSS feed) on Nov 12th 2010 at 7:30PM As if ... http://bit.ly/9B5Omz#iPad
- US Blog: Plug Your Guitar into your iPhone and iPad with this DIY iRig ...: What really convinced me to ho... http://bit.ly/c2OK1j#iPad
- US News: Pilot My-cast Now Available on the iPad: The new iPad app has a distinctive tile-format user inte... http://bit.ly/cR0SoM#iPad
- US News: Poll: Is Android destined to eclipse the iPad, too?: Are they destined to overtake Apple iPad in ... http://bit.ly/ct0xhv#iPad
- News: iPadで滑らかに動く涼宮ハルヒ、タッチパネルに反応して表情が変化。: モーションポートレートと角川書店は11月12日、アニメロイドシリーズの第1弾として、iPad向けアプリ「アニメロイド『涼宮ハルヒ... http://bit.ly/a8jY9N#iPad
- Today's Digest: iPad 関連情報 2010-11-12: News: iPadアプリランキングで総合1位に輝いた 『麻雀 雷神 -Rising- HD』 遂にiPhone/iPod touch版... http://bit.ly/chgirA#iPad
- US News: Talking Tech: Samsung Galaxy tablet; Smule's Magic Fiddle iPad app: In the weekend webcam edition... http://bit.ly/cjZND6#iPad
- News: NHK気象予報士カレンダーがiPhone/iPadアプリとして登場 スケジュール機能も: NHKサービスセンターは、NHK総合テレビの5人の気象予報士が登場する壁掛けカレンダー「NHK気象予報士カレン... http://bit.ly/9m2QV7#iPad
- Blog: 今日もやられやく 『涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱』 :「読みなさい!」iPadで書籍 ...: 2010年11月12日 角川書店は12日、iPad向けの書籍販売促進アプリケーション「アニメロイド『涼宮ハルヒのBO... http://bit.ly/crTKdN#iPad
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