- US News: Weekly News Roundup: Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL): Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has reportedly been preparin... http://bit.ly/9Me6eF#iPad
- US News: GT Racing is Still iPad's Best Racer: If you're a fan of racing sim games like Gran Turismo, Project... http://bit.ly/dBsk4g#iPad
- US Blog: Apple iPad Dock Review: There is nothing too special about Apple's official iPad Dock. It's a dock t... http://bit.ly/bOsMcZ#iPad
- News: iPhone/iPod touch/iPadステージ「i Love iPhone × Game」: またハドソンのiPhone/iPod touch/iPad用ホームページを10月中旬にリニューアルし、ユー... http://bit.ly/9oJg4z#iPad
- Blog: iPhone・iPad・mixiアプリレビューサイト「applie」にngiソーシャル ...: ngi group株式会社(本社:東京都渋谷区、代表執行役社長:金子.新商品FINDER (ファインダー) ... http://bit.ly/9biEH9#iPad
- US News: iPad vs. everything else: Consumer Reports recently compared the iPad, Apple's tablet computer, with... http://bit.ly/aZCaew#iPad
- US News: Chips and Salsa on an iPad: Arizona based Technical Made Easy today announces Salsa Fresca HD 1.0 fo... http://bit.ly/a3VvsF#iPad
- News: 上海問屋が牛革製のiPadケースを衝撃特価999円で発売: 株式会社エバーグリーンの直販サイト「上海問屋」は、iPad用の牛革レザーケースを999円で発売した。 本製品は、素材として牛革が使用されたiPad... http://bit.ly/cpgjOD#iPad
- Today's Digest: 2010-09-18 iPad hack: US News: Kensington intros Bluetooth Keyboard Case for iPad: Kensington... http://bit.ly/aoquHl#iPad
- US News: ABC teaches the iPad to sync with TV using only sound: ABC has shown that the iPad can make the TV v... http://bit.ly/ba2CSl#iPad
- US Blog: Bait & Switch: O2 iPad Customers Told Data Allowance Cut Up To Two ...: Ok, so you bought an iPad in... http://bit.ly/9jDJ0I#iPad
- US News: Apple iPad a Factor In Declining Notebook Sales: Analyst: Apple's iPad is likely a factor in declini... http://bit.ly/bDB4pH#iPad
- News: 「会計」「法律」をiPadで学ぶ、人気テキストが電子書籍化: エキサイトは、会計や法律を学べるiPad向けアプリ「LEC iPad電子参考書」の配信を始める。 資格試験予備校・リーガルマインド(LEC)が出... http://bit.ly/aOFF1f#iPad
- US News: BTO PAN TB 31 I5-520M 160GB 4GB WXP: iPhone iPad DevCon is the world's premier independent event for... http://bit.ly/cQBLUH#iPad
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